MIT Class of 2021 Applicants

DS rejected. Expected but still stung. Good luck to all who got in!

A huge thank you to MITChris and everyone else on the admissions committee for their services.

A sincere recommendation that everyone lucky enough to have gained acceptance give serious thought to attending MIT. In my opinion, it has no equal. Go, Beavers!

One more thing: what’s the financial aid at MIT like? Did anyone get a full ride or at least full tuition? Does anyone ever get a full ride? @MITChris

@gigichuck That reads like the opening of either a really good or a really bad movie. :slight_smile: Peace out.


Very low income students could potentially attend MIT for free, but it is based on need not merit. The terms full tuition and full ride are generally used to refer to merit based scholarships.

Financial Aid at MIT is pretty generous. The offer from MIT was better then our In-State public Universities, and not by a little, it was about half of the price. In fact we ended up paying way less then the average cost of attendance, because my daughter chose a self-cooking dorm. Also there is little to no cost for books at MIT. On top of that, MIT will reduce their Student Contibution from 5500 to 3400 this year. Of course it all depends on the parents income, but for us it worked out great.


Can freshmen choose self-cooking dorms? Aren’t freshmen required to have a meal plan?

How is it that there is no cost for books? That sounds amazing.

Financial aid is generous. Anyone who wants to attend will be given the means to do so via outright gifts, loans, and work study.

A student who lives in a dorm with a dining room must have a meal plan. Those who choose dorms without dining can purchase a meal plan or not. I recommend getting a meal plan the first year. The workload can be intimidating. Committing to food shopping, cooking, and cleaning may not be a wise decision as a freshman.

Depending on the Dorm, the time commitment for cooking is not huge at all. My daughter is spending about two hours a week on cooking. Each night a small group cooks for the whole house (about 24 people). Shopping is done via instacart, I think they have a food Stuart that takes care of that. While a meal plan is about 5000, my daughter spend less then a 1000 for one year. That is a huge difference for families on a budget.

Financial aid is definitely awarded freely. That being said, sometimes it’s not enough. Check out more info here, students get real about their scholarships. I found it super helpful!!

How is everyone enjoying CPW so far? Weather sucked today because it rained all day, but everything was so much fun! Lots of free (and weird) food. And the students here have a lot of really really great advice on how to spend freshman year. This will no doubt be the best weekend ever! :3

How is Calpoly .My D got into it. Deciding between Calpoly Carnegie . Any suggestions

@MITChris When the waitlist decisions will be released? :slight_smile: