MIT Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Yes, You’re right. Forgot about that.


Sounds like we’re in some of the same waters. Besides the waitlist at Chicago, he got accepted at Michigan for EA (and he’s pretty happy with that). Now he has to sweat out the next round of decisions.

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My dd16 had a full ride acceptance deadline of Feb 19 to another school that she turned down to wait for this news. It sounds like they did not admit many Electrical engineering students. I am convinced she will later make them wish that they had invested in her future career. She has another good school lined up with nearly a full ride. MIT was her dream. Truly their loss. I grew up in Michigan, and U of M is a fantastic school. Highly recommend the campus and the school.


It definitely hurts for sure, but you have to trust it has very minimal to do with your DD16 credentials. MIT ensures diversity statewide, gender-wide, talent-wide and then on top of that athletics, socioeconomic diversity, etc. etc. They accepted basically 2 out of every hundred applicants. MIT is a dream for many kids, but each kid’s dreams should not end with MIT’s rejection.




“…,stargazing and :rocket:stonks​:rocket:⁠01 :gem::raised_hands:
^^ Some admitted students are diamond hands. Must be an amazing class of diverse talents.

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My son was accepted EA to Michigan two years ago. He spent two weeks there in a camp and loved it. Think he would have gone there except he had GT with free tuition, which tipped the scales. Good luck to your son! He was also deferred then rejected from MIT - you are in good company!


Why turned down a full-ride so quickly? Is it a very low ranking college, like after 70’s.

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The offer had expiration

That is rare, normally it shall be like May 1st.

Let me guess, that scholarship must be something like STAMPS that you will have to commit by an short deadline before they will really award you.

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Son got in - very lucky.

4.8 15 Ap classes
state robotics champ and program president
fermi lab intership in partical phyics
u of chicago internship on AI - team lead
african american
in 6 others schools including michigan and harvard
mit top choice
lead of debate
volleyball 4 years
baseball three years
started program to help poor kids code

All - this was the hardest year ever to get in 2.2% of applicants/ - dont no beat yourself up and plenty of great options.


Doesn’t sound lucky. Sounds very deserving to me.


Exactly this. They just can’t take everyyone. My D who was rejected had a 3.98/5.03, was an ISEF finalist 3 times (canceled last year) and won a 3rd Grand award there, lots of other science awards, couple of publications, wrote a bill last year related to her research and just testified on behalf of it last month, FIRST Robotics Dean’s list finalist where MIT, WPI, and Yale were there at the awards ceremony saying, “Dean’s List - we want you, we love you!”, lead coder on her robotics team where they made it to World’s two years in a row and lots of robotics awards, recruits girls for STEM etc, does political activist artwork and is passionate about bridging science with public policy. She didn’t even list Harvard Book award, NHS etc. She was T.O. because her SATs and ACTs were canceled numerous times.

She is, of course, gutted about MIT and also a WL from U Chicago, but in no world can you expect that amazing stats and ECs gets you into to these uber reach schools; nobody is entitled to a place. The truth is, 1550/4.0 are now a dime a dozen and rejections are nothing to do with how qualified people are. This exactly why MIT’s “Apply Sideways” is so salient; the experiences you have, people you meet, self development from doing all of the things you do, not to get into College X but to develop yourself as a person, means you you can just move onto the next opportunity that life offers you, once you recover from the latest sting - and it doesn’t take away all of your experiences. Doing any of these ECs should be because you love them, not for a single goal for a college that will somehow make your life complete because it just won’t. This should just be accepted at the outset of applications. And MIT took people with a lot fewer ECs than my daughter, I’m sure, that they thought were a better fit (you can’t fill a class with robotics and research kids) so keep your heads up and know that there is something out there for you and a rejection means NOTHING about you as a person or a candidate and doing research or whatever it is you think is the golden ticket just is not accurate. Like they say, having a job, helping your family, or whatever you need or love to do is important. Believe them when they say they look at the whole person!


D got in! Very grateful!
35 ACT-9th grade
13 AP’s; all 4’s and 5’s (2 more this year)
National Merit Finalist
JSHS-3 times National Finalist
ISEF- Finalist
Numerous prizes at regional/state science fair
Published research
Intern and research at 3 institutions last 3 summers
Girls who Code-4 years, Girls, Inc, other clubs related to stem -2-4 years
Student council-4 years

Excellent recommendations
Completely humbled and honored to be chosen as everyone we can see is top notch!


Thanks for those sharing stats! Really appreciate it! would be curious if any T/O kids got admitted. Not sure if MIT will share stats on T/O applicants vs T/O admitted.

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Your D sounds amazing. It’s definitely MIT’s loss and she’ll get into some colleges just as great.


Thanks - that is so kind of you.


We always approached the high reach schools as, “yes you have as good a chance as any to get in, and you’d do well there, but the numbers are against you.” S18 was deferred then rejected at MIT, and is now thriving at an equally rigorous school. No one school is the end all.


The deadline was Feb 19 on the offer. She has not heard from two schools yet.

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They did not give a reason, of course, but I disagree that she got rejected just for being white. I also resent the assumption, and really hope that they are better than that. She is also a young female who is going to make a killer engineer in a field that is still dominated by males. I am biased, but she deserved a spot in that class. Her GPA was likely one of the highest with 80 plus college credits by age 16. They will realize that they made a mistake sometime in the future. They did not bother to interview her to find out that she also has soft skills. Her application was very strong except that she scored a 35 ACT due to the proctor messing up and only allowing 53 minutes instead of 60 for the math portion. She is President of the PTk chapter for her college. It does not make anyone feel better when strangers defend MIT’s mistaken decision or assume my child’s race. MIT may have gotten it wrong. I bet they do make many mistakes.