MIT Class of 2025 Regular Decision

No, actually its just an approach/ new insight. I’ve just shown a simpler perspective which is easy to grasp for a high-schooler (who knows basic theorems and lemmas of algebra).

IT’S NOT A COMPLETE PROOF, it’s just a simpler way to approach the PROOF.

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Also, can I submit it as something else rather than an article, as I think it may lead us to solve it in a bit simpler way.

What I think is that conjectures like this one should have an easy way to solve, but it may require some sort of combination of simple ideas that we haven’t tried yet (for example, take the case of Zaiger’s one-sentence proof; the problem was initially solved but the proof was not-so-simple, then it kept on reducing and becoming simpler and finally Don Zagier gave us this wonderful One-Sentence Proof)

If it is a simpler form that has never been published, then i guess you can show it. But don’t show it if it has been published in a predatory journal.

No, it hasn’t.
Hey, Can you just have a look at it (its just 6 pages and extremely simple, I guess).

Message me

hey, I can’t message you as your profile is hidden. So, you can message me and then I may send it to you

Do ECs always put MIT in the subject line of the email? Is there a way to know if an EC sent an email that you somehow missed?

Every EC is on their own to write the emails they send out. So there is no way to know if everyone puts MIT in the subject line.

The ECs also are free to use whatever email system they choose. Some may use their alumni email address. I don’t.


Given the 3% international acceptance rate, the end result is the same - you won’t get accepted.

My child applied ea, but was never invited to interview. I know his school had never had someone apply to MIT before, does that suggest no EC was assisgned to his school, even though it is in a big city that likely has lots of alum? Or was MIT just not interested in interviewing him?
Also, he was deferred. Any chance they will invite him to interview now?

Also he emailed admissions before EA decision, saying just in case he had missed the email, and admissions said if he wasn’t invited to interview, it won’t be counted against him. But an interview could have counted in his favor, if he’d had the chance, so I am not sure how they can say it won’t hurt applicants who don’t get a chance to interview. Anyway, disappointed that he hasn’t gotten the chance and hoping it doesn’t mean they decided he wasn’t interesting/qualified enough to interview.

I don’t know how your area does it, but I am assigned certain high schools in my local area. I have never seen any applicants from some of those schools but would interview them if there were.

Last time I checked, there were many pages to the list of names of applicants that did not have an EC assigned to them for an interview. Just not enough ECs to go around. Keep checking his email as an EC may pick up his name and do the interview. I just went to the list a week ago and picked up a few more to do.

Not getting an interview doesn’t mean that MIT is not interested. It is just a EC numbers issue with either getting assigned to an EC or put on the overflow list. When an EC picks from the overflow list, they know nothing about the applicant except name, hometown, high school name and contact info.


What is the deadline for ECs to submit interview reports for RD applicants? My daughter is a UK applicant and wondering if there’s still time to get an interview.

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My son has an interview scheduled for Wednesday. It was scheduled last Friday.

The deadline for the interview reports that the ECs were given is February 14. But it seems like I always get an email sent to all the ECs about a week AFTER that to hurry up and get your reports in. So, in my book the deadline is kind of soft.

Bottom line, there is still time for an interview but if other ECs are like me, I’m about “interviewed out” at this point.

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Are interviews still scheduled by region (ie applicant and interviewer are from same region) or can your interviewer be anywhere in country?

Anyone from South asian country got their interview? I haven’t got any interview offer, and as I’m an international student, I’m afraid
this means rejection.

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Before this year they were in person interviews and were therefor by region. With the interviews being virtual because of Covid, they can be anywhere.

I think it is best if they remain somewhat regional but that’s just my opinion.

No interview does NOT mean rejection. Read the previous posts.

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I really hope so. But as far as I know, all the previous MIT admits , from my country, were offered interview.