For the MIT cultural background question, I left it vague, being “I’m from a typical NE background” as I don’t have any special customs, traditions, or religious practices. Is this an okay response? I got the impression that this section was optional from the application. Any thoughts?
As a side note, I interpreted this as optional since any information relevant is also optional, as I don’t feel comfortable disclosing my religion, practices, identity, etc.
I don’t think the question is optional. Your response was fine if that is all you wanted to reveal.
I didn’t respond to the question as I took it as optional considering I had nothing more to elaborate on. Could that get me rejected?
In years past, this question was optional. My daughter left it blank and was accepted. I would guess that it’s still optional.
@UglyMom Thank you for your input! I highly appreciate it! 
@User19205234 Thank you as well for responding
@brassratter Thank you as well for responding