<p>I want to apply to MIT... and get in( or at least get wait-listed :))
Im an IB student, so I can not take every science at the AP/IB level- But I am taking Design Technology HL and I will take Physics SL
But at the moment, I am in the top 10 of my class ( not percentage, rank)
165 PSAT this year...Studying for SATs
SAT II Chem-620 ( not the best)
Will have completed AP Calculus AB next year
A summer research project has gotten into a statewide conference (2nd time)
Spanish Club (Treasurer)
Youth Orchestra
Volunteer at a community garden- some produce goes to the local food pantry
Working on a project to help a school in Ghana
My Great Aunt went there (not sure if Alumni connection- but she went when not many black women went to MIT)
Volunteer in the gardens and landscaping of a local library.</p>
<p>It’s hard to say based off of what you’ve given us (which isn’t great).</p>
<p>-You say you are in the top 10 in your class, but how large is your class? Either way, MIT receives apps from many people in the top percentile of their class. This is basically a requirement now.<br>
-Those PSAT and SAT scores are not that great. Study like crazy to improve.
-For MIT, your course load should be as rigorous as possible, as in multiple APs and AP exams with 4 or 5s.
-Your EC’s don’t stand out, but I always tend to think they are as good as you make them sound. In other words, they aren’t terrible and have potential.</p>
<p>In short, your application doesn’t have to be godly, but it has to be a lot better than where you are now.</p>
<p>^^ well, as of Right now, there are around 600 Kids in my class. For my school, Full IB is the most rigorous, taking AP calculus after the Math SL, and Taking an extra IB elective.</p>