MIT or State School?

<p>I plan on majoring in chemical engineering. MIT is the number one school for that field, and I have been accepted there. The University of Illinois (UIUC) is number five. I know that in the end I have to make the decision, but I'd like to hear your thoughts. Here are mine right now:</p>

<p>The only problem I have with going to MIT is unfortunately a fairly gargantuan one: I will graduate with over $100,000 in debt. I received no financial aid because my parents could technically afford it if they were willing to never retire. (In addition, my dad is only giving me the same amount of money he gave my other siblings, $30,000 a year.) MIT has many, many pros. It is small, has a great location, will make me great connections, and will change my way of thinking. I will be exposed to so many new things. Is that priceless? Is it worth being in debt for years afterwards?</p>

<p>If I go to UIUC, I could graduate in 3 years (AP credit.) I would graduate debt-free (so graduate school would be a definite option.) However, I would likely end up living in Illinois for the rest of my life. UIUC is larger, has more classes taught by TA's, and is attended by a lot of kids from my hometown (which I see as a con.) BUT, would I regret passing by the opportunity to go to MIT? I always strive to be the best I can going to UIUC wimping out? Will I be forever disappointed in myself?</p>

<p>Thank you all for your thoughts!</p>

<p>I’d definitely go to UIUC. Indebting yourself is a bad idea.</p>

<p>Gosh that is a hard position :(</p>

<p>Having debt is certainly not good. Honestly though, I think I’d regret not going to MIT if I had the chance…you can always make more money. But with the trend of admissions, it’s hard to say whether you’d ever get the chance to go to MIT, one of THE best colleges in the world, again.</p>

<p>Sorry I don’t mean to make this more difficult.</p>

<p>Go to UIUC!!! it’s top 5 and a GREAT school ESP in your field. Take the less stressful route and save your money.</p>

<p>Remember, you are not giving up on MIT by going to UIUC. It is a great school and can be an amazing school if you take advantage of all the opportunities. If you do research and keep your grades up you can go to MIT for Graduate School. I think it would be wiser to stay out of debt for undergrad if you have the opportunity to and then you have the ability to use that money for Grad School.</p>

<p>This is too much debt to start out of college from. Go to UIUC but beg your parents first to give you more money so you can make your dream of going to MIT a reality.</p>

<p>I wonder why you applied to MIT since it is really out of the question financially. At least you have the satisfaction of knowing you could get in. Go to UIUC, set your sights on MIT for Grad School. Try to get your dad to commit to putting any unspent funds into an account for Grad School. After UIUC, you can live pretty much anywhere you like. Try to do summer internships or REU’s out of state, just to get a taste. Congratulations on your wonderfull acceptances.</p>