<p>what does MIT look for in an applicant? how would one stand out??</p>
<p>cure cancer, have a 2400, discover aids vaccine pathway, raise $1,000,000 for africa, etc etc. Otherwise, it's a crapshoot.</p>
<p>I have none of those and I got waitlisted. It is...pretty much comes down to your essays and personality and maybe your recommendation. I also sent in drawings of the CNC machine mill designs that I created to sell for my business. I also sent in couple drawings/slides from my AP Studio Art class.</p>
<p>A varsity sport would make you stand out. </p>
<p>By the way, if you want to cure cancer, look into polyoxometalates, an anionic inorganic metal oxide that inhibits CK2, an enzyme that is overactive in a number of forms of cancer.</p>
<p>bumpity bump bump</p>
<p>why bump? you've got cures to find.</p>
<p>I honestly don't know what they look for... I had a friend w/ a 2400, 800s on all SAT IIs, all 5s on AP tests, valedictorian, played two varsity sports, was an eagle scout and created his own clubs at school- waitlisted. He managed to get into Yale and Princeton though, and he decided to go to Princeton. Their admissions really baffles me. Just make sure you have backups if you want to go there.</p>
<p>I guess you should ask molliebatmit what they look for, since I believe she is an MIT alum.</p>
<p>Also you should probably post this in the MIT forum since you will probably get more relevant answers.</p>
<p>YES. I'm just as good as that other guy but have NONE of those scores.</p>
<p>That has made my day.</p>
<p>Edit: Which means that there is sliver of a hope for EVERYONE hoping to get into MIT...</p>
<p>I am an alum -- and I used to work for the admissions office! :)</p>
<p>MIT looks for good grades in the most challenging courseload available to you, particularly in math and science, a good class rank (97% of admits are in the top 10% of their high school classes), solid standardized test scores, and outstanding extracurricular activities. It's helpful, but by no means required, to have excelled in math and science in some way (by doing research, by participating in science/math contests, etc.).</p>
<p>MIT has a page on their website detailing "the</a> match", some of the non-academic factors they're looking for in a student. </p>
<p>You can also stop by the MIT</a> forum here on CC to ask questions of alums, parents, and current students, and to see profiles of admits from past years.</p>
<p>MIT's admission tour that I went on stressed the idea of collaboration among students. If you can see yourself working with a few friends or classmates and helping each other out on the latest problem set (for example), that's the kind of attitude that they seem to be looking for. </p>
By the way, if you want to cure cancer, look into polyoxometalates, an anionic inorganic metal oxide that inhibits CK2, an enzyme that is overactive in a number of forms of cancer.
Off topic, yet still fascinating: Identification</a> of Polyoxometalates as Nanomolar Noncompetitive Inhibitors of Protein Kinase CK2</p>
<p>research experience
high test scores
rigorous course load (esp. math and science)</p>
<p>do B’s in humanities negatively affect my chances a lot?</p>
<p>I wouldn’t think they would affect your chances <em>a lot</em>, but do know that a majority of applicants to MIT have mostly A’s in math/science as well as humanities.</p>
<p>@ AeroEngineer3141, and everyone else : )</p>
<p>Also look into 3-Bromopyruvate. It affects cancer cell’s ATP production by inhibiting Hexokinase II, effectively leaving them without any energy to replicate etc. It actually as cured a lot of aggressive tumors in mice and rabbits.</p>
<p>[Advanced</a> cancers: eradication in all cases using 3…[Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004] - PubMed Result](<a href=“http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15465013]Advanced”>Advanced cancers: eradication in all cases using 3-bromopyruvate therapy to deplete ATP - PubMed)</p>
<p>^^angiogensis… that is all</p>
<p>WaterintoAcid makes me laugh… HAHAHA oo man great username</p>
<p>I am glad you got a chuckle - I think it characterizes me pretty well : ). Well, back to anxiously awaiting EA decisions while gorging my face with a newly fashioned pumpkin pie (just sprinkled the cinnamon; it should be delicious!)</p>
<p>lets hope u dont splash the water and get BURRRNNNEEEDDDD</p>
<p>hope you’ve got some aloe vera in your pocket for that BURRRNNNN</p>
<p>Run the BURRRRRRRRNNNNNNEEEEDDDDD area under cold water, dress it, and contact a local hospital immediately for more severe cases.</p>