mit work money

<p>So, I was given $3,000 per term provided I engage into some mit work. Is this amount fixed, or will it depend on the time I do actual work? Is it like a maximum amount of money I can receive from working? Thanks.</p>

<p>It’s just an estimate, neither a fixed amount nor a maximum. The amount you earn will depend on how many hours you work over the course of a semester.</p>

<p>thanks mollie. does this mean that if I don’t work for all these hours my family’s contribution will be higher?</p>

<p>Yes. That can be just part of your parental contribution if you don’t work during the school year.</p>

<p>thanks oasis! :)</p>

<p>I’ve found that MIT “work study” money does not mean anything - at all. It’s not even a fund that departments can tap into to fund your payroll.</p>

<p>It just means that they budgeted for you to make that much working next year. You still have to find a job on campus, negotiate a salary, and work whatever hours you can. You can not work - and have less income. You can deal with this by spending less money or finding other sources of $$.</p>

<p>Also finding a job at MIT is very, very easy. Everyone is looking for student workers. Pay is ~$9-13/hour for campus jobs, including research.</p>