MIT worth applying with these stats?

<p>International applicant from Indonesia here. Originally I had decided halfway to not apply to MIT even though I already asked for teachers to send their recs because I felt that I wasn't up to the mark. But with new SAT score I'm thinking of completing my application. With these circumstances, do you think I should?</p>

<p>SAT I CR770/M790/W700 Composite: 1560/2260
SAT II Physics 800/Maths II 800/Chemistry 800
Did Singapore A-Levels at one of the top few schools there. Toughest courseload available. No scores yet but predicted grades are all As, idk maybe equivalent to GPA 4.00?</p>

<p>Too lazy to list out ECs, quite diverse, nothing exceptional, good leadership positions, some regional awards and local competition awards but nothing that will distinguish me from other applicants.</p>

<p>Recs are very good, essays are good</p>

<p>One thing that really bothers me though: I'm not making excuses here but I made the stupid mistake of being distracted by A-level exam and December SATs that I forgot to schedule interview until the last day. Then, the interviewer said that he could only interview at specific dates and I couldn't make it to the interview as I was already going back to my home country by the time. Furthermore, he wasn't too happy that I sent the email on the last day. Suffice to say, I got no interview and possibly a not-so-happy interviewer.</p>

<p>Will this really hurt my chances? Should I even bother applying?</p>

<p>By the numbers, your stats well within range to be an admittable applicant. The interview generally matters if you have a stellar one but otherwise not a whole lot, so don't let that discourage you. I'd say if app fees are of no concern, you should definitely apply if MIT is for you. Just remember internationals get in at a much lower rate so no guarentees, but why not? No better school over here imo :)</p>

<p>Your stats and etc. are awesome. Go for it, what have you got to lose?</p>

<p>I think you should definitely apply to MIT--you have a reasonable chance of getting admitted.</p>

<p>definitely apply, but since you are an international it'll be a crapshoot.</p>

<p>your stats are great btw.</p>

<p>Thanks all. I guess I'll take my chances and apply then</p>