<p>International applicant from Indonesia here. Originally I had decided halfway to not apply to MIT even though I already asked for teachers to send their recs because I felt that I wasn't up to the mark. But with new SAT score I'm thinking of completing my application. With these circumstances, do you think I should?</p>
<p>SAT I CR770/M790/W700 Composite: 1560/2260
SAT II Physics 800/Maths II 800/Chemistry 800
Did Singapore A-Levels at one of the top few schools there. Toughest courseload available. No scores yet but predicted grades are all As, idk maybe equivalent to GPA 4.00?</p>
<p>Too lazy to list out ECs, quite diverse, nothing exceptional, good leadership positions, some regional awards and local competition awards but nothing that will distinguish me from other applicants.</p>
<p>Recs are very good, essays are good</p>
<p>One thing that really bothers me though: I'm not making excuses here but I made the stupid mistake of being distracted by A-level exam and December SATs that I forgot to schedule interview until the last day. Then, the interviewer said that he could only interview at specific dates and I couldn't make it to the interview as I was already going back to my home country by the time. Furthermore, he wasn't too happy that I sent the email on the last day. Suffice to say, I got no interview and possibly a not-so-happy interviewer.</p>
<p>Will this really hurt my chances? Should I even bother applying?</p>