mit, yale, princeton, a few more. i'll chance you back-thx

<p>Chances at MIT, yale, princeton, duke, northwestern, cornell, carnegie mellon, university of pennsylvania
plan on majoring in engineering-not sure which field yet</p>

<p>already applied to cornell ED</p>

<p>3.83 UW gpa - school does a weird gpa system, so i rescaled it to a 4.0 scale, but I'm sure I'm in the top 5%. took the highest level of each course offered, except history/govt i only took honors instead of AP
white male
public high school-NY
SAT 1440/2120 (640,800,680) - will retake in Dec if ACT isn't as good as I hope
ACT ?? - find out in about a week
SAT IIs - Chem(740) Math2(800) Physics(770)
APs-1 sophmore (compsci AB-5), 3 junior (english comp-3, bc calc-5, self studied physics b-4)
Current semester of courses: AP Macro, AP Physics C, Calculus III, AP French, AP Stat, AP Lit, Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble
National Commended Student-PSAT (207)</p>

<p>average-above average essays
strong teacher recs (physics, french)</p>

<p>activities, etc
Local math group-meets friday nights (weekly) for 3 hrs with 2 college professors to train for competitions and overall math skills (9-12) -participated in math competitions around the northeast each year (nysml, harvard-mit, princeton to name a few)
AIME qualifier (9-11), scored a 6/15 last year
National Honor Society (11,12)
[Science type] Community Service-get kids interested in science (10-12)
Ran a math camp for middle school aged kids over the summer, originally intended for free, but the town board wouldn't allow it (we used a school classroom, so insurance issues required a fee). so this technically doesn't count as community service I guess since I got paid.
youth orchestra (10-12) - europe tour for 1.5 wks (11) - principal bass (11-12) - this is 9th year playing bass
Lots of music things here and there (my fav was opening for Blood Sweat & Tears with a jazz combo from my HS), I don't think most CCers would care if I listed them all, since they're not as significant. I plan on playing in college orchestras (wherever I get in). I sent a recording in too. possibly jazz, not sure yet.
play in a rock band (9-12)
soccer- nonvarsity (9-11)</p>

<p>would you recommend any other engineering-strong schools with good music programs too?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for taking a look at my chances-- <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Your GPA and SATs could use some improvement, but I wouldn't stress out about them too much. (Excellent subject test scores!) It seems like music is one of your passions, so I would certainly dedicate lots of space on your application to it. </p>

<p>At the moment, I think the ivies you list are reach schools. Something tells me that you stand a good chance at Carnegie Mellon and Northwestern, given your science and music credentials, but I'm really not sure on the others. Do what you can to improve your GPA and SATs, and I think Duke + UPenn are good possibilities. (To be quite honest, though, your guess is as good as mine!)</p>

<p>MIT, Yale, Princeton, UPenn - Reach because of SAT score, and they are reaches for basically everyone
Cornell - Low Reach/High Match, pretty good chance since you applied ED
Duke, Northwestern - High Match
CMU - Match</p>

<p>Please chance me?
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>MIT - High Reach; you show interest in mathematics, but I dont know if your talent level is high enough? Howd you do in the math competitions?
yale - Reach
princeton - Reach
duke - Reach
northwestern - Reach
cornell - High Match
carnegie mellon - Low reach/High Match
university of pennsylvania - Reach</p>

<p>Chance me back?
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>MIT, Princeton, Yale, Duke Are all high reaches, because of your sat scores.
Upenn is a Mid-Reach/High Reach
Cornell is a Mid-Reach (low /reach since you applied early) </p>

<p>Chance Me.........</p>

<p>The Sat Reg scores and AP Scores make the top tier schools all reach.
The Sat2s are very solid.</p>

<p>Senior year course selection is impressive definitely ivy level. Hopefully your other years are like that.</p>

<p>And your Ecs are right on par. but with the SAT reg scores like that it almost makes Yale out of reach.</p>

<p>If your act scores are better you have a good shot</p>

<p>so if I got a 34+ on the ACT, would that take care of the SAT/ACT part that's currently hurting me at upper tier ivys?
or if i retook the SAT, would 700 in CR and W be good enough to be considered? (still aiming for as high as i can get, but getting out of the 600 range is my goal)</p>

<p>so basically, if i raised my score to what i said a few lines up, would my chances be good enough to seriously considered at MIT/princeton/yale/duke/other top schools. i'm only asking about my high match/reach schools, because i already have other safeties and matches</p>

<p>if i didn't get my scores up, would i still be considered fairly at these schools if i applied? its just a test, so they can't just say "oh, hes under 2200, denied", right?</p>

<p>my gpa is low[er than most applicants] because of a B in ap eng, and straight B+s in history classes. all As in other classes</p>

<p>update: 32 ACT (24 e,36 m,31 r,35 s)
i’m pretty sure that won’t help me, so would it be best to retake both exams? [took the oct ACT without prep and i figured the test scores are the only stats hurting my profile at the moment]</p>

<p>You’re a math kid, look at the common data sets and see how mank kids with your scores are getting in. Then formulate a strategy rather than asking other kids to tell you!</p>