MLS Chances?

<p>I plan on applying to the Library Science Master's programs at North Carolina Chapel Hill, Texas at Austin, North Texas, and San Jose State. I would like to emphasize archival studies. Soooo...anyone have an idea about my chances at these places?</p>

<p>Undergraduate Major: History
-I majored in Software Engineering my first 2 yrs. and have a lot of computer science and math under my belt
GPA: 3.96 at a low ranked state school
GRE: 650 V, 760 M, 5.0 AW
Work: Tutoring disadvantaged college students in Computer Science, Communications for the past year
Worked for a bank in multiple departments maintaining files and spreadsheets
Will have 3 strong recommendations</p>

<p>Well it's a little late but I'll throw in the post for the benefit of future searchers.</p>

<p>The programs really aren't very competitive, I imagine stats like yours will get you accepted to most. Just dug up this old email from someone on the "inside" I managed to get into contact with at UIUC, which is the #1 ranked program in the country:</p>



<p>I also majored in History, and also submitted an app that emphasized my interest in archival work (even though to be honest this was really to make it sound like I had put more thought into it than I had.)
Had a 3.5 from Penn, 690V/710Q/4.5A, some work in the school's library.
Applied to Drexel, Pitt, UMich Ann-Arbor and UNC-CH, was accepted to all four with financial aid from Pitt and UNC.</p>

<p>No edit function?
Thought I should add I also had a serious criminal offense/school disciplinary action to my name when I applied. Didn't seem to phase them.</p>

<p>north texas will accept you as long as you are breathing</p>