Model UN?

<p>I'm going to my first MUN conference this week and I have no clue what to expect...</p>

<p>What are some main procedurals that I should keep in mind??</p>

<p>any advice/insight as to how to win an award??? </p>

<p>thanks in advance.</p>

<p>There have been several such threads in the recent past, you should search for them…</p>

<p>Are you going to HMUN? If so, see you there (and what committee?). Why don’t you ask a senior member of your team for advice? I’m sure they would be happy to help you.</p>

<p>I think BosMUN is pretty fun for the people/groups who don’t wanna get pwned :wink: But yea, some things to keep in mind…</p>

<p>1.) Participate! That’s the main reason you’re there, so you can communicate your ideas and thoughts of your country with others. Also, you’re definitely not going to get an award if you aren’t active.</p>

<p>2.) Reach out! Work with others that have similar goals as you and try to be one who is one of the main delegates who heads a paper so that you show you have leadership and can think on your toes and work in any situation.</p>

<p>3.) Have fun! Having a good sense of humor, especially the last day, is needed =]</p>

<p>You’ll love it!</p>

<p>the thing is, I don’t want to go to my first conference and act like I’m active and end up doin everything wrong…</p>

<p>Actively participating is very important. Obviously, you’ve researched your country’s policy on the issues at hand, so find nations that are included in your “bloc position,” or better yet, try to advocate your views while working with a diverse group, thus showing the dais your ability to compromise and embody what the UN is (theoretically!) all about.</p>

<p>can you describe to me the parliamentary procedures? like what you have to do to speak, participate, question , etc…</p>

<p>You will be given a placard. This placard is your life; do not lose it.
Here is a link to a guide on MUN researching:
[Model</a> United Nations: Prepare - UN Cyberschoolbus](<a href=“]Model”></p>

<p>There are three different speaking times: speaker’s list (a list of countries chosen by speed of placard-raising), moderated caucus (short speaking times on specific topic) and unmoderated (working in groups, little formal structure). </p>

<p>Feel free to post/message with any more q’s. Are you going to HMUN? And are you going with your school or by yourself? I feel as though your school should have gone over this with you, it’s no fault of your own.</p>

<p>You could also be going to CIMUN, that is this week too, no? </p>

<p>The rules will sort of change whether you are on an ECOSOC (smaller) or a GA (bigger) or a Specialized (quirkier topics), and what your country is.</p>

<p>I’m in ECOSOC: sustainable development… and I’m UAE…</p>

<p>That’s great! Good luck!</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the difference is between a committee and a summit? Which is better to sign up for?</p>