<p>Hey, I feel very strongly about him getting in a few words a day, like "Yes, Dear." I would say I'm very liberal (:eek:) in that area. :D:D:D</p>
<p>137 days til I day.</p>
<p>expecting freezing rain again in Georgia today.</p>
<p>and I hear the Man Astronaut is spending the weekend in FL with the AF Capt.</p>
<p>News for the day. :)</p>
<p>Thank you, MOM2, for reminding me how many days I have till I have to be forcibly peeled off of my son (good luck to Hub or my dad; work out now!).</p>
<p>I think the story goes . . .</p>
<p>For you husbands, who have wives [moms] that are going through menopause . . . do what a friend of mine did.</p>
<p>Get his wife a mood ring. It works great . . . when she is in a good mood, it shows the color green.</p>
<p>When she is in a bad mood, his forehead is red! From the mark she leaves in his forehead by hitting hime w/ the ring.</p>
<p>[She, of course, thinks the ring sh/ be a diamond ring! Hah! Little does she know that only the girlfriend gets the diamond one.]</p>
<p>Bill, question:</p>
<p>Should parents get, or is there a need for, a power of attorney for their little plebe-to-be? </p>
<p>Someone mentioned this to me the other day. While it's a good idea for when they're cut loose, is it a necessity, now?</p>
<p>I'm not in 'pause mode, yet, however, I will look into the mood ring and he's not allowed to have a girlfriend. He has me. He will not want any other female in his life, in that area, except for me. He doesn't/won't have my permission! :p :D</p>
<p>Um, where is today's countdown?</p>
<p>Ask your kid. He needs to get used to doing it. ;)</p>
<p>No, it's MOM2LOLA's daily thing. If I had him take that away from her, her feelings may be hurt.</p>
<p>Let's all be sensitive here to each other's feelings! :rolleyes:</p>
<p>That last sentence made me sick! :D</p>
<p>Plebe PRT today at 7am....burrrrrrrr. That had to be one cold run!</p>
That last sentence made me sick!
<p>You're not the only one. I need to wipe dinner off my keyboard. BRB...</p>
<p>Okay, now I'm grossed! :eek:</p>
<p>Two days without the countdown. Anyone got any extra fingers, toes (they must be clean, disinfected)? :p :D</p>
<p>haha i'll be in place of my mom.
135 days till I-Day!</p>
<p>You are a dutiful, thoughtful, and loving daughter! See, that's why she loves you to bits! :D</p>
<p>Okay, late at night. 2206 hrs. here. Have just finished scrapbooking Annapolis tour last summer. I am going to start on Pax River, tomorrow. At this rate, I'll be needing this past year vol. II!</p>
<p>I'm sure they have a twelve step program for me, somewhere. Scrapbooking anonymous. I've got a problem. :p</p>
<p>I'll join you at the Scrapbooking anonymous meeting. Can we scrap while we're there? I have tons to do and can't take time away from my projects for a meeting like that - gonna have to multi-task that meeting, if you know what I mean! Taking photo's all the time of my little darling before she goes off in June. Saving the photo's up - I have a scrap weekend planned with my friends scrapping from Friday morning through Sunday evening in April - right after we do AFA Orientation trip - should be lots of great photos! So, let's hold off on the Scrapbooking Anonymous meeting until after my April marathon!</p>
<p>Well, Nat'l scrapbooking day is usually the first weekend in May, so we can't do it then, either. :eek:</p>
<p>What the heck! It's not like we're trying to score drugs, alcohol (however, the old Creative Memories albums are hot on the street, right now). I accept your "illness," if you can accept mine. :D :D</p>
<p>I don't think we get an orientation trip, but then we haven't gotten the rest of the packet. The boy is friends with a very nice doolie there, now, so he gives him lots of good tips.</p>
<p>133 days to go until USNA I-Day!</p>
<p>Where have you been?</p>
<p>132 days til i-day.</p>
<p>Nurseypoo.. been busy and sick :(</p>