<p>I LOVE UR, but i'm afraid i won't be able to affored it.... our EFC is way higher than what is feasible in reality. I mean, my parents aren't only paying for college! They would also like to eat every once and a while... and maybe pay the mortgage bill....</p>
<p>i received the dean's scholorship (10k/yr) + 4k/yr in grants, and 8k/yr in workstudy/loans</p>
<p>is there anything i can do at this point? UR is one of my top choices!</p>
<p>I’m having the same problem with UofR and I believe I will have to ask to be released from my ED agreement. The 10k scholarship they gave me obviously did NOT reduce the loans/WS first, but the grants. I don’t know why they advertise that this is their policy when it clearly is not.</p>
<p>And I wanted to got here badly as well.</p>
<p>What is the difference between your FAFSA EFC and the EFC in UR’s aid package?</p>
<p>I too recieved the dean scholarship, and I love Rochester, but with the current economy I’m taking a second look at other schools that I had initially thrown aside.</p>
<p>Empower20 wrote, “What is the difference between your FAFSA EFC and the EFC in UR’s aid package?”</p>
<p>In our case, the UR EFC was pretty close to the FAFSA (FM) EFC - but <em>much</em> higher than the IM EFC I calculated at the College Board website and elsewhere.</p>