Monthly Allowance

<p>just wanted to know if youll have fixed up a monthly allowance that you would receive from your parents ?? Taking into account a 10meal plan and the local costs at west lafayette how much do you think is -</p>

<p>1) just about enough to push thru the month
2) sufficient for a modest living
3) a king's / queen's allowance</p>

<pre><code>[Please also factor in -

1) for a freshman not planing to work the first year
2) for a freshman planning to work

<p>for example -</p>

<pre><code> 1) 125$ / 0$
2) 250 $ / 75-100 $
3) 450 $ / 225$

<p>One of my kids lived away while he was in high school. He lived in a dorm, just like he will be for college and food was provided. Keeping in mind he has never worked and we are not wealthy, son made do with $10.00 a week allowance. Now if he had a steady girlfriend, I'm sure that $10 a week wouldn't do it, lol. but his transportation was free with his school id (bus) and with the food provided and movies at $1.00 at a nearby theater, the only time he needed more was Prom time. Which of course, you don't have proms in college.</p>

<p>He's heading to Purdue with a new bank account and again, is planning on $10 a week. He's happy playing video games and isn't into sports/bars/clubs/shopping. Now if you factor in THOSE things, $10 certainly won't cut it. You kind of have to judge what kind of a spender you are and then set that aside in a bank account in West Lafayette for easy access.</p>

<p>i was pretty frugal during the year and probably made it throughout the entire year on probably ~300 bucks.</p>

<p>I think $50 a week will be sufficient, at least thats what I am getting. I am on a 15 meal plan. For the first year, I dont plan to work and concentrate on my studies.</p>

<p>Firstly you would have to search pretty hard in Lafayette for pricey shopping or restaurants. Secondly.....not that much is "on" the campus and you will probably not be bar hopping in the village much. So.......easy budget should not limit you.</p>

<p>yeah $50 bucks a week will definitely be sufficient. i used mostly my own money during the year, so it gave me a good incentive to be frugal. i didn't really actually NEED tto spend any money most weeks, and the only weeks where i did would be the weeks where i visited wal-mart to pick up some things. i had a 15 meal plan the 1st sem, but dropped it in favor of a 10 meal plan 2nd semester. i didn't work the 1st year, but i plan on working my sophmore year, but pretty low hours ~10 hrs/week.</p>

<p>since you seem to know quite a bit of time in purdue ... My parents are willing to give me 300 bucks a month over and above paying for my univ. dining [10 mls a week] , tuition etc..and reading your comments i gather this is more than sufficient... but do you think i'll be able to go clubbing say once in a couple of weeks or go to a fancy restaurant ...... what entertainment facilities does purdue offer in the dorms itself... i believe they have pool tables , foosball tables , air-hockey tables ... do they charge residents for their use or is it complimentary and how many students actually use them... like do u have to wait in line to use the pool tables???</p>