Moorehead Finalists

<p>So we find out if we're finalists tomorrow.... I'm worried.... ugh</p>

Now im even more worried :(</p>

<p>yeahhh i saw this new thread, didnt even notice the misspelling, and got soo nervous bc i thought someone had already gotten email notification! lol ah may the truth be told tomorrow.........:-/. yea im worried like crazy too but goooood luck everyone!!!!!!!</p>

<p>bah! still no notification! :( probably will be about 5</p>

<p>if I remember correctly it was at about 4 when semifinalist notification was sent</p>

<p>not too much longer hopefully</p>

<p>I need a sedative</p>

<p>yeah i was wrong about 4 i guess. maybe youre right about 5</p>

<p>no go here.... but at least I know...</p>

<p>same here as well</p>

<p>nope..this sucks....:'(</p>

<p>My friend got it, I am so proud of her</p>

<p>ahhh...that lucky so jealous right now (and so upset!!! >:O)</p>


<p>were you a regional semifinalist? your profile says you are from ohio. I thought the regional interviews were for north carolina residents. I'm not questioning you, just confused about the program.</p>

<p>Not a finalist. O well. At least I got in the honors program.</p>

<p>Well swim4china don't be too jealous, my friend didn't end up getting finalist after all, "just" semifinalist :(</p>