Moral Question

<p>^ya, sorry elizabeth. ok, im just gonna say truce to everyone. maybe we can all agree that cheating is never a good thing, but its really not the end of the world (some will cheat, others will not, maybe we should just all worry about ourselves and our own behavior). i hope everyone who read through this thread can attempt to establish a good balance between academics and social fun! lets just let this thread die. peace. (no sarcasm, haha)</p>

<p>I find you so insulting. Damn you!!!!!!!! Roar! haha just kidding mwhaha.</p>

<p>It was never my intent to moralize. I offered my opinions, but I respect those who think otherwise (well, except for those who cheat on every assignment!).</p>

<p>Peace? :o</p>

<p>Peace out.</p>