<p>I am curious if it would be moral to apply to many internships, including some that you are only mildly interested in, and creating the impression you are really interested, only to quit when you find a better one.</p>
<p>uhhh didn't you do the same when applying to colleges?</p>
<p>Yes, I think it would be unethical. Think about it--- one place (that you're really not that interested in but applied to just on a whim) might offer you a position that otherwise might have gone to someone else who genuinely wants it.</p>
<p>gotta have backups. if you don't want the internship or get a better one, then you turn it down, and it goes to that person that still wants it but is less qualified than you. </p>
<p>It's not like the job disappears because you applied for it, were offered it, and turned it down...</p>
<p>as far as "quit when you find a better one" do you mean that you are gonna start a weak internship for a few weeks then leave it to go to a better one? I think the application process does its thing early enough so you know what your options are.</p>
<p>Even if it is unethical, so is paying you peanuts to do valuable work and justifying it by calling it an educational experience.</p>
<p>Don't worry about screwing corporate America, man. It'll beat you there and follow through for decades.</p>
<p>Apply to and interview with as many places as you want. Companies know that you are applying to multiple locations and are used to being turned down. What you can't do is accept an offer and then drop out later when you get a better one. If you do that, you risk getting put on a black list and damaging your reputation. Remember, people talk.</p>
<p>yeah, cause i told the person that i was interested enough to justify the expense of doing a background check on me when he asked.</p>
<p>You think they will talk over a potential intern? I HIGHLY doubt it.</p>
You think they will talk over a potential intern? I HIGHLY doubt it.
<p>Over a potential intern? No, they probably won't. But they certainly will about one that takes a position then quits 2 weeks later to go to another job.</p>
<p>Well said.</p>
<p>suppose that i just gave a verbal yes and that this is not an internship, just a filing assistant position at a tiny office and i want to back out now?</p>
<p>Apply everywhere. However, who gives where you apply. I sent out over 15 resumes this summer. I got 5 hits. If I had only sent off 7-8, then none of the places I got offers at may have been on that list.</p>
<p>bring up my post</p>
<p>It's perfectly acceptable to apply to a bunch of places, even some you aren't 100% interested in. As for the morality of taking "someone else's spot," you have to remember that this is a prisoner's dilemma. What guarantee do you have that that person wouldn't do it to you?</p>
<p>moral yes, ethical no.</p>