More Direct admit?

<p>Emory and Minnesota have recently changed so that all or almost all students admitted to the prenursing program are guaranteed admission. Do you think that more and more school will move to direct admission? Will they have to in order to compete? </p>

<p>That seems to be the trend. Students have heard horror stories about disappointments in getting accepted as a sophomore, so many students are emphasizing direct entry. Of course, you still need to keep up your grades to stay in a direct entry program, but you don’t need to achieve super-human grades like you do at some 2-2 flagship university programs.</p>

<p>I definitely think so. Although I’m still a high school student and haven’t even been accepted to a nursing school yet (nor have I have started applying), I can tell you that I’m only interested in direct entry programs. The same goes for all of my friends who are also interested in pursuing nursing. Charliesch is correct about the trend too. In fact, Fairleigh Dickinson University, which is just a few minutes from my house in NJ, recently made their BSN nursing program at both campuses direct entry. I think that as nursing becomes more competitive and popular, the more pressured colleges will feel to make their programs direct entry. </p>

<p>I agree. I think colleges HAVE to consider they are losing applicants based on stories of kids not making it into the nursing program and having to either transfer schools, change majors or go an extra year. My daughter ONLY considered direct entry programs - she did not want to deal with that stress.</p>

<p>Kjc. Where did she end up?</p>

<p>Jara - she’s just applied - this is for Fall 2015 admission - so we don’t know yet! :)</p>

<p>I just looked at Emory’s website. Emory is not a freshmen direct admit nursing program. I am copying and pasting this info. from the Emory website.</p>

<p>“The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) provides students with a solid foundation for a career as a nurse or graduate education. You can begin your undergraduate education at Oxford College or Emory College of Emory University, or any other accredited institution, and apply to the School of Nursing for entrance your junior year.”</p>

<p>Blueskyforever. I think you missed this part “As a BSN Freshman Option student, the first two years of general education prerequisites are taken at Emory College or Oxford College. Students may apply and be admitted to the nursing program while the prerequisites are in progress. All required courses must be completed before enrolling in the BSN program in the fall semester.
Emory and Oxford students applying to the BSN first degree program will automatically be admitted to the School of Nursing if they meet certain requirements. Please see the Application tab below for further details.”</p>

<p>See this pagehttp://<a href=“”></a> </p>

<p>Also, see this: The Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing is overhauling its admission process for Emory and Oxford College students. Beginning in Fall 2013, Emory and Oxford students who are interested in pursuing a nursing degree will automatically be admitted to the School of Nursing without going through a formal application process after meeting the following requirements: (1) students must complete a minimum of 60-credit hours at Emory or Oxford College and (2) students must earn a “C” or better in the prerequisite courses.</p>

<p>Bluesky, I think your confusion is not atypical as colleges that have recently moved to direct admit don’t always update all areas of their website, or even inform all admin people!
We sat through an hour presentation at the U Of Minnesota by “Nursing Prof X” a little over a year ago where there was a long presentation about stats for getting in to the school of nursing (around 50 percent) and what to do when you didn’t get in (like 10 minutes on having a “Plan B” and then we went on the tour and the person was like, “ya, actually we are moving to all direct admit but “Nursing Prof X” was on sabatical last year and I don’t think she was fully aware of the commitee’s decisions.” </p>

<p>@Jara123 have you had a chance to attend the info session / tour at Emory ? What do you think ? </p>

<p>We did. It was good. But my daughter decided that Emory was not for her based on social reasons (ie., she doesn’t like the kids she knows who go and what she feels is the ‘social feel’ of the place. </p>

<p>"I think you missed this part “As a BSN Freshman Option student, the first two years of general education prerequisites are taken at Emory College or Oxford College. Students may apply and be admitted to the nursing program while the prerequisites are in progress. All required courses must be completed before enrolling in the BSN program in the fall semester.”</p>

<p>Jara 123, I see what you are saying in the above quote from the Emory website but as I understand freshmen direct admit nursing programs and what I think many high school seniors who are now applying to these type of programs are looking at is the following: does the Emory program guaranteed them a placement in the nursing program as they enter as a freshmen in the fall of 2015 and thus they are part of the nursing class of 2019. This is a binding acceptance [unless a student was to flunk out or decide to change their major, etc.]</p>

<p>Maybe Emory needs to make it clearer because it is hazy to me and could be to others. Per Emory’s website, that you quoted, “Students may apply and be admitted to the nursing program while the prerequisites are in progress.”
What does that imply exactly? To me, it sounds like an admitted student to Emory or Oxford College begans the prerequisites and then applies to the nursing program as the prerequisites are in progress. Does that mean that admission is then guaranteed or there could be more applicants than spots available? I do not know if a freshmen entering Emory or Oxford College in Sept. 2015 is actually part of the Emory 2019 nursing class because the prerequisites have not yet been taken.</p>

<p>Yes, it is very important that websites get updated but if still uncertain as to the nursing admission status as an incoming freshmen, I would advise to call the nursing program recruitment/admissions office directly for clarification.</p>

<p>^^ my question to Emory would be:
what if there are 200 students that meet their pre-reqs & the min 2.5 GPA
& there are only 80 spots available ? </p>

<p>@blueskyforever and @Jara123, hop over to Virginia , we have beautiful weather here.</p>

<p>@Bluesky: Also from the website “Beginning in Fall 2013, Emory and Oxford students who are interested in pursuing a nursing degree will AUTOMATICALY BE ADMITTED to the School of Nursing without going through a formal application process after meeting the following requirements: (1) students must complete a minimum of 60-credit hours at Emory or Oxford College and (2) students must earn a “C” or better in the prerequisite courses.” </p>

<p>^^ my question to Emory would be:
what if there are 200 students that meet their pre-reqs & the min 2.5 GPA
& there are only 80 spots available ?</p>

<p>As I undertand it a student must be admited now as a "Freshman Option " student to qualify and they only admit as many as they belive they can take. </p>

<p>Although I know this is an older post, @Jara123‌ you say that “all or almost all” applicants get accepted into umn’s freshman nursing guarantee program - do you happen to know how many applicants (on average) there are?</p>

<p>Heyoimsam. Minnesota is admitting enough guaranteed admission student to make up a class of 125. It will for this one last year admit another 20 or so as sophomores. It’s likely that to get to 125 they will accept 300 or more. </p>