<p>born 1988, and i'm a rabbit!! ^_^ my birthday was 5 days before the chinese new year that year...</p>
<p>im rabbit too... for here.. anyone who's 1988 is considered a dragon.. cos they are competiting with the same bunch of people.. very pitiful pple.. victims of the dragon yr.. im so glad, i took the last train to be a rabbit!</p>
<p>"for here.. anyone who's 1988 is considered a dragon.. "</p>
<p>but the chinese new year is different from the western new year, so there are still some people born in 1988 (like moi!) who are rabbits, right??</p>
<p>yup.. but for where im staying.. it's "rojak" (a malay or is it indian word for mixed up) -that was to emphasize my point
and thus...we kindof ended up using the english calendar for chinese stuff...haaha. just a thought aft seeing those campus photos.. i really WANT go to Penn.. but tt's if they really WANT me... =(</p>
<p>they just want you to think its "hot" so you apply early and they can lock you in with little financial aid. It's just an easy way of maximizing revenue for Penn</p>
<p>That's definitely another reason colleges like ED. ED can't be done by people who really need alot of fin aid. Someone who needs to compare aid packages, can't afford to apply that way. So, it's a way to manage enrollment, while still saying they are need-blind.</p>
<p>they give 100% of need anyway so you dont have to worry about it</p>
*Someone who needs to compare aid packages, can't afford to apply that way
<p>A person who wants to compare financial aid packages may not necessarily be unable to afford a particular school.....they may just be looking for the most OPM.</p>
<p>wow; now we're even using the chinese zodiac to determine our chances of getting in lol</p>
<p>just goes to show how anxious we are!! lol - we'll grab on to anything at this point!! haha</p>
<p>While that is theoretically, true, practically speaking, it is not always the case. 100% financial need met means different things to different people. See the Atlantic Monthly article that's being discussed on this forum. Sometimes people are given less than enough.</p>
<p>i heard that they squeeze everything out of u 1st... eg.. if u can afford 10K (even if tt means your parents have to slog 24-7).. they'd take ALL the 10K fr ya..</p>
<p>ya 100% financial need covered... this would count:</p>
<p>You apply ED, you need 30k, they give you 25k loan and 5k grant. Sweet right?</p>
<p>This probably belongs on the nervous/anxious thread, but I just found out about yet another guy applying ED from my school with - - a 2390!!!!!!! And I was sure he was ED to Yale. ARG. </p>
<p>yeah yeah I know SAT scores aren't everything.</p>
<p>one of my best friends got a 2390 on her first try - she's not applying to any Ivies though, and I thank her everyday for it lol</p>
<p>and most posts on this board probably belong on the nervous/anxious thread lol as they all turn in that direction sooner or later, but there's just too much to be nervous/anxious about to fit it all in one thread haha</p>
<p>collegecountdown, that's so interesting, because someone from my school got a 2390 (790 M, 800 CR, 800 W) on his SATs from Oct (his first time taking them), and he's applying to Penn ED too. His mom works at Penn (not sure which department or if it's even in one of the schools), and I'm pretty certain he's in. Do you think we go to the same school? I doubt it, but it makes me wonder because exactly how many people get 2390s AND apply ED to Penn (when he or she can very well apply to HYP, etc.)? Interesting!</p>
<p>KRrabble - You're right, a correction - the guy apparently "only" had mid 2300s. I'm in the western Philly (main line) area, so I don't think we're at the same school, but wouldn't that have been crazy!</p>