<p>I wanna major in biomedical engineering. In my senior year, I only have room for one AP science. So what will help me the most during college in the future: AP physics C or AP chem? </p>
<p>I'm doing Physics B right now, and physics C is highly recommended for students who are looking at a future in engineering. However, this also poses a problem for me: I will have had minimal/absolutely no instruction on chemistry during high school.</p>
<p>AP Chem is better I think. It teaches you more than AP Physics.</p>
<p>I’d take chem simply to round out your education… You take history, english, math, so it’s be a shame to miss something like bio, chem, or physics. I guess many people do though…</p>
<p>I don’t know who is highly recommending Physics C for engineering students, since most everyone I know (engineering majors) did NOT take the physics C class/exam. You’ll be perfectly on track for starting your BS in engineering without taking physics C. Certainly it could be nice (pass out of requirements?), but I think taking some chem is worth more (and you can always get credit for that instead).</p>