<p>There really is a tremendous amount of useful info to be gathered here, even if one chooses to not post. However, shy lurkers should be aware that your own college admissions learning curve, which starts in a shallow ascent, soon takes off like a rocket....and your learning experience will be tremendously valuable to all. So....share.</p>
<p>Maybe the connotations of the term "lurkers" are too negative: "to lie in wait in a place of concealment, esp. for an evil purpose."</p>
<p>I haven't posted in a while, because I couldn't seem to get my password reset! Now that it is...
Personally, I don't feel the need to post on every thread I read. I only post when I have a question or feel that I can offer advice. So if I'm considered a "lurker" so be it.</p>
<p>Searchingavalon, re: essays--It seems to me that by the time I read them, others have already responded and have done a good job pointing out suggestions for improvement. It's interesting to see people's responses, though, which is perhaps why people view the essays and responses without posting. It's also intimidating to offer suggestions on an essay, since writing is such a subjective thing.</p>
<p>Momstheword -- I agree. There are some quick thinkers on this board and so much more knowledgeable than I am. I value this place a lot. The second time around (in 3 years) I will likely have more to share. -- Momof2 in CA</p>
<p>Had to smile while reading this post. I am the lurker! (or among them) I can't begin to guess how many times I have turned to this board or the archives during the last two years while bridging my two into college. You have all made it so much easier! </p>
<p>I have tried to post, but never could get the registration to work on the old board, and by the time I emailed for help and received it back, the comment I wanted to make was stale anyway. </p>
<p>Just letting you all know I am here (in the background) if you ever need me.</p>
<p>I thought "momof2inca" meant both her children were Ecuadorean or something. I'm one of those brash parents who is willing to admit "I do not know everything" and am no "expert." I like to add humor to the whole darn college admit process!!!!! Chances are all our childre will turn out to be okay.....even for you lurkers out there who don't truly want to commit to posting lest they get discovered!!!!! HEAVEN FORBID someone find out who you really are!!!!! How come no one wants to coffee klatch with me? IS it because I can't spell "klatsch" or something?</p>
<p>I read it the same way! Even when I finally realized it was in CA, I still keep hearing "two Incas" in my mind!</p>
<p>At least you finally realized it was in CA!!! What does that say about my deductive skills? LOL!!</p>
<p>Even though it wasn't my intent, I see we've 'shamed' some lurkers into the open!</p>
<p>Is lurking acceptable? I wouldn't put it in the category of evil, but seeing the volume of lurking, I do feel the verklempting has been 'spied' upon.</p>
<p>Lurking is a form of voyeurism, no getting around that--but perhaps we've been de-sensitized by reality television.</p>
<p>I'm with Amethyst. Took me 2 days to get reregistered; meanwhile all I could do was read posts so I must have left many marks.</p>
<p>Most of the time I don't post a comment because I have nothing new to add or lack the time to get into some of the heated discussions.</p>
<p>sometimes just "dittoing" validates any one of us who sometimes feel they are "crying in the wilderness!"</p>
<p>Wow, voyeurism? As many others have already posted, there is so much to be learned here, and I genuinely appreciate what I've learned from the very knowledgeable and articulate regulars on this board. In my own brick-and-mortar community, I'm a regular expert. Here, though, I'm just a rank amateur. So for the most part, I leave the answering to those with more expertise than I have. I don't post unless I have something specific to add to a discussion, or can provide a concrete answer to a question that seems to be going unanswered. So I guess I'm a lurker, but I don't think I'm guilty of voyeurism. (If I knew how to enable the little smilies, I'd add one here.)</p>
<p>I think of "lurker" as a misnomer, used only because the medium in which communicate is the printed rather than the spoken word. But the intent is use the internet for a conversation. I prefer to think of "lurkers" as people who are supposed to be part of a conversation but are quiet. Any community has its more vocal members and its more quiet ones.</p>
<p>Ya I equate being a voyeur with something that is a little more "titilating" than trying to get feedback on how to guide student's choices re: college.</p>
<p>I also do not think people should be judged on how much they speak out.
As a parent of a child who does very well in class, except that she does not ask questions during lecture and is marked down for that, I think that not all should be judged by how fast they think, or how much they want to put their $.02 in.</p>
<p>It took me years, before I knew enough to want to contribute, and while I realize that you probably don't want to pressure people who don't want or need to contribute to do so, that is a nother one of my buttons, I guess.</p>
<p>I think of myself as a regular poster, not a lurker. But I still read many, many more messages than I respond to.</p>
<p>Emeraldkity4 ..that is soooo funny! Maybe some of us do get "titilated" about college feedback re: their child's college choices!! Why do so many of us continue to lurk and write? I'm beginning to even wonder about myself! Maybe I need to get a life!</p>
<p>You know, theres another dimension to tentativeness about posting that hasnt been mentioned. On a website like this one (and probably many others) theres an established community of regular posters who know one another well. Some newcomers, those who are naturally extroverted, are able to dive right in. For others of us who are a little more reticent, theres a slight feeling of intruding, and it can be a bit daunting to post frequently. Some may never be able to participate much, and for others it may just take time to feel part of the group. But I think even those who never post at all should feel that they are welcome here - and if they can help their own kids or other kids with what they learn, wonderful.</p>
<p>wjb....good point! You are all welcome, you lurkers! I just jumped right in..never felt unwanted..but perhaps should because I can get quite silly...every one deals with their anxieties in different ways. And the bottom line is, if we can all help someone else's kid, that's great! Loved your post.</p>
<p>I found this forum a few months ago when I first started the college process with my daughter. I mostly just read the posts to get information and only post when I either know something (which is not often, as I am new to this process!) or want to know something (in which case I'll start a thread). I really appreciate the advice and opinions of a lot of parents on this forum and hope to be able to "pay it forward" once my daughter gets through the college process.</p>