<p>some terms which i have never before encountered in english.
what is a <em>conjugate</em> root?
what is a <em>plane trace</em>?</p>
<p>Yeah again from the Barrons book tests!!</p>
<p>some terms which i have never before encountered in english.
what is a <em>conjugate</em> root?
what is a <em>plane trace</em>?</p>
<p>Yeah again from the Barrons book tests!!</p>
<p>Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.</p>
<p>I have only encountered conjugates from memory in complex numbers.. however in your case I would think it is for a symetrical function, where one root is a+b(square root)c and the conjugate is a-b(square root)c... I'd say it generally applies to the quadratic formula..</p>
<p>for complex numbers, if a root is a+bi, then its complex conjugate is a-bi...</p>
<p>i have never heard of 'plane traces', i would suspect they have something to do with fields however. sorry</p>
<p>thanks thanks!
maybe it was trace plane... dunno they explain that to get an equation of a traceplane u have to insert 0 in the place of x y or z.... they never explain what you are finding though besides it is a trace plane....</p>
<p>aberine, hows the prep going? i'm so screwd..ah!!</p>
<p>im sorry ive never heard of trace plane.. you could try google.com, it geenrally works</p>
<p>lol ok thanks :) </p>
<p>taj well...... i don<code>t know i plan to read the rest of chapter 5 today and do the last test. then revise the old ones and i</code>ll do one more test tomorrow from the PR book and that will be all!</p>
<p>how is your preparation going?</p>
<p>hey aberine.. could u maybe help me out with some q's?</p>
<p>how does the SAT work.. do we do one section and when the 25 minutes are up we have to hand in that section or what??</p>
<p>Is there any way of telling which section is the one which will not be counted? Can it be either math, CR, or W??</p>
<p>yes sure
test looks like those booklets about sat you cand find everywhere. it contains just the test and the sections are arranged like that:
1 writing then math/verbal and then come one after another. u would probably never have to complete 1 math after another..... u fill in the answers on the answersheet and you hand in everything at the end of the test. and you can eventually omit one question and if u remember it<code>s number and the question itself u can think of it during the break and fill it in after that have done that :).... well i have seen people cheating more than that but it is risky and i wouldn</code>t attempt it.</p>
<p>there is no way to tell which section won<code>t be counted because they are all alike though once there was extremely easy verbal section and i was sure it won</code>t be counted.... in general it is not likely that you will understand which one won`t be counted.</p>
<p>ahh thanks for that... so what exactly happens at the end of each section, does the supervisor strictly say CLOSE YOUR BOOKLETS, or is it give or take a few seconds, maybe even are minute? Also, do you go straight from one section to another, or do u get any rest in between? Is there a mini-break halfway through or is it practically a non-stop 3hr 45min examination??</p>
<p>he/she says PUT YOUR PENCILS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!! and if someone does not put it down he talks to him and says that the time is over wich is stressful enough to make u even more nervous.</p>
<p>and i don<code>t know in the old sat there was only one 15 min break and one 1 min .... that</code>s what makes the sat so hard.... it`s just a lot of work.!</p>
<p>regarding traces of planes :</p>
<p>for example, if a plane is defined as : 3x+4y+5z=0</p>
<p>the xy trace is 3x+4y=0 ( put z=0)
the xz trace is 3x+5z=0 ( put y=0)
the yz trace is 4y+5z=0 (put x=0 )</p>
<p>so, generally speaking if a plane is Ax+By+Cz=0, then :</p>
<p>-the xy trace is the equation of the plane but with z=0
-the xz trace is the equation of the plane but with y=0
-the yz trace is the equation of the plane but with x=0</p>
<p>hope that helps</p>
<p>thanks, that helps a lot :)</p>
<p>aberine...i've kinda gone thro the Barrons book, but honestly, they suck at explaining things..so i got on Sparknotes and read their online book for free. The Sparknotes one covers only relevant topics and the explanations are understandable..I also went thro certain topics using my Pre-Cal book...but I;m kinda nervous cuz i never took pre-cal in school..i took it via correspondance so i had to self study the entire course..</p>
<p>Thanks BMFBPI ! Now the only question that remains is why could I use that? I don`t think that any of the sat questions will contain 'trace of plane'
taj In fact I don`t even know what pre-calculs or calculs is. We just studied all kinds of stuff at school and I hope that is enoug :) . of course we never studied maths in english which makes it hard to learn all the terms.</p>
<p>I make many careless mistakes and that<code>s a huge problem for me. and you are right that this book of barrons is terribly written. For example they say that series can be denoted by Sigma and they don</code>t explain which component means what... </p>
<p>Let`s hope everything goes ok ! good luck!</p>
<p>ah! YES! finally done with the test...
how'd u do aberine? I omitted about 5 questions....I hope i atleast pull of a 720++...My highest on the Barron's was a 30..</p>
<p>oh i think the question was not very hard though i omitted 4 and mistook one because i rushed to solve it in the end. and if i made some careless mistakes that would be the end of all hopes of good score. however i am so happy that it is all over!</p>
<p>my highest on the Barrons was 30 too on thursday 6th test. 32 correct and 8 wrong but the real test was nothing like barrons!</p>