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<p>General Info:
Hispanic Male from very low-income area (family is middle income)</p>

<p>School Info:
GPA: 98.2 or 3.96
Rank: 1/385
Coursework: Most rigorous available
AP Scores:English lang (3); APUSH (4); World History (4)....I have only taken these.
SAT: 1870
ACT: 31
SAT IIs: Spanish w/ Listening (790); Math I (720); Bio M (730)</p>

Varsity Mariachi
Varsity Soccer
Varsity Baseball
Academic Teams (team captain for science)
Math Club(pres.)
Science Club(pres.)

National Hispanic Recognition Scholar (PSAT)
AP Scholar
All-State Alternate for the Science Academic Team
Several awards from mariachi competitions
National Honor Roll
Chosen as member of Texas Student Legislature
Commended on the state exam
Qualified for Outstanding Students of America
Math Student of the Year (school award)
Academic Athlete of the Year (school award)</p>

<p>Work Exp:
Worked in summer school program for two consecutive summers
Helped during athletic events</p>

Highway and cemetery cleanup
Played with mariachi in town celebrations
Prom committee
Coached soccer team </p>

<p>Additional Stuff:
Essays: Very good - one highlights my blending of two cultures and the other about my passion for science (detailed stuff on a science lab and how i actually held a human brain and studied it)
I am a URM
Recs: I would assume they are pretty outstanding as i chose teachers who know me well</p>

<p>I'd say in. What's the score breakdown on your SAT I and ACT?</p>

<p>Test scores are a little low...</p>

<p>a bit shaky on the test score stuff, but the sports and leadership make up for most of it.
i dont know, id say its a 50-50 chance.</p>