<p>The CC stereotype that I cannot seem to avoid no matter how hard I try:</p>
<p>The pell grant abuser. These guys make me consider tax evasion daily.</p>
<p>I can’t concentrate if I am sitting in the front of the room, so I usually plant myself in the back left corner of every classroom. I’m also self conscious about my lanky frame ( 6’3 and 160 lbs) so I tend to wear a hoodie year-round to cover that up. Apparently the combination of the corner seat and the hoodie seems to attract these ****oles.</p>
<p>These are the guys who show up 20 minutes late every day with bloodshot eyes and no class materials. Last semester I had a guy sitting next to me who would cough up wads of nicotine packed phlegm and launch it into the carpet every day. By the end of the term there was a pale yellow patch of carpet next to his desk that was around 10 inches in diameter. That’s about all the class participation he put forth. He payed for his classes via pell grant, but he didn’t buy books for any of them. He decided that since his financial aid money was directly deposited to a bank account, it would be best to buy weed with the remaining funds. He didn’t even bring a pencil for the final, he did bring weed though… He had no problem rummaging through the bag for some strange reason during the middle of the final… /sigh</p>
<p>I sit by a slightly different version of the pell grant abuser archetype in each of my classes… it never fails.</p>
<p>The other quality of the PGA that bothers me is when they constantly apologize to the teacher for not doing the homework, and they have a 5 minute flawed story to go along with it. The best part is when they are assigned to your group for a project and drag everyone down with them. </p>
<p>The every day pencil borrowers **** me off as well.</p>
<p>The rednecks</p>
<p>The pregnant girls… who try to bum cigarettes from me every day.</p>
<p>speaking of cigarettes, any CC smoking pit is bound to produce some annoying stereotypes. The problem is that smoking is not allowed anywhere else on the campus, so all the smokers flock to the pit. If you were ever curious how people ended up on Jerry Springer or Cops, check out The Pit. Pit dwellers are often anxious to share with you every detail about their arrest records, baby daddies not paying child support, baby mommas having baby daddies arrested for not paying child support, why condoms suck, why school sucks, how Kelly took x amount of pills and almost died saturday night then woke up monday to skip school and take x amount of pills again. It’s not the thought of cancer that has made me cut down on cigarettes lately, it’s these gddmn stories. </p>
<p>ah man, I needed that… Sorry, rant over.</p>