Most annoying type of CC student


In comparison to these kids that come to a mid-morning class in their fluffy pink bunny slippers and their pajamas? LOL!</p>


In comparison to these kids that come to a mid-morning class in their fluffy pink bunny slippers and their pajamas carrying their teddy bears? LOL!</p>


And…this annoys you?</p>

<p>There’s no such thing as “older people making us look bad.” You’re either not prepared or not capable of keeping up.</p>

<p>Interesting. As an older student I always assume when no one else is asking questions it’s because they already know it, and me being out of school for years am way behind everyone else. I guess it depends on your point of view. :)</p>

<p>I remember a classmate in a science class at my CC talking back to a teacher like we were in seventh grade. Most of the class was made up of 18-20 year olds - I hope I wasn’t the only one who was embarrassed!</p>

<p>I teach at a CC as an adjunct. The most annoying students are the ones who, when they do come to class, talk the whole time, until they leave early. They fail the tests and then want some type of easy extra credit.</p>

<p>I think the older people realize that school is what you make of it so they ask questions which makes the class more interesting for them. I like it because it shows me they are serious about what is going on. </p>

<p>Another annoying trait is when the newbie complains to me that someone is asking too many questions.</p>

<p>I’ve been in a few classes where a student thought they were smarter than the teacher and constantly interrupted the lecture to add something that they thought the teacher forgot (that was ALWAYS incorrect information). There was a girl who did this in a 6-week summer biology class:</p>

<p>Her: Is that when XXXX happens?
Teacher: No
Her: Oh then is it YYYY?
Teacher: No, they aren’t even related.</p>

<p>She would just go on and on. Did I mention we only had 6 weeks?</p>

<p>Usually [always] it is someone who has already taken the class and thinks they are remembering something. Of course, the fact that they are taking it again should be a clue that they don’t have a clue what they are talking about.</p>

<p>I’m an “older” student and I don’t ask a lot of questions. I do ANSWER a lot of questions. I try not to, but I get annoyed that no one else ever answers them so I do.</p>

<p>Random low-achieving people who try really hard to talk to you and make you feel awkward by complaining (usually while at a urinal) about how much they studied for a test, and still got a C when you barely studied at all and got a high A.</p>

<p>the student that tries to wheedle teachers since they get along more due to the closeness in age</p>

<p>the student that has no freaking clue whats going on, asks a question, and goes “ooohh ic”, but still doesn’t get it </p>

<p>the student that deliberately asks for a quiz when there’s an easy topic which i think is just plain arrogance. Not only that, but asks if he/she has to take a quiz regarding to a difficult topic which is the most ridiculous question ever.</p>

<p>As an older student. 26, I am severely offended by this topic. My backpack with wheels is because I took 31 credit hours last semester, and unfortunately ripped through 3 backpacks that couldn’t handle the weight. Yes, I ask more questions, but it’s because I take full advantage of the time we have in class where the teacher’s time is meant to explain concepts to us. It is very hard at a CC to talk to most profs as they are usually adjunct and only available during class time. Also, have you youngsters ever thought that maybe just maybe we feel like we wasted time, and now have to jet through things to catch up? Also, we face a large prejudice when it comes to applying to transfer schools and grad schools based on our age let alone past experiences. And for the record what annoys me most is students out of high school who are in a college level Expository Writing class and have no clus how to write a thesis, make an argument, or defend an argument!</p>

<p>Severely offended, bro? Relax. This thread is just for fun.</p>

<p>Bro? I’m a female…</p>

<p>But your also looking at one side of it too. You don’t see it in our point of view, it goes both ways. I don’t see the point in your argument, we already know your point of view, we just made this to have fun and get away from it all.</p>

<p>The CC stereotype that I cannot seem to avoid no matter how hard I try:</p>

<p>The pell grant abuser. These guys make me consider tax evasion daily.</p>

<p>I can’t concentrate if I am sitting in the front of the room, so I usually plant myself in the back left corner of every classroom. I’m also self conscious about my lanky frame ( 6’3 and 160 lbs) so I tend to wear a hoodie year-round to cover that up. Apparently the combination of the corner seat and the hoodie seems to attract these ****oles.</p>

<p>These are the guys who show up 20 minutes late every day with bloodshot eyes and no class materials. Last semester I had a guy sitting next to me who would cough up wads of nicotine packed phlegm and launch it into the carpet every day. By the end of the term there was a pale yellow patch of carpet next to his desk that was around 10 inches in diameter. That’s about all the class participation he put forth. He payed for his classes via pell grant, but he didn’t buy books for any of them. He decided that since his financial aid money was directly deposited to a bank account, it would be best to buy weed with the remaining funds. He didn’t even bring a pencil for the final, he did bring weed though… He had no problem rummaging through the bag for some strange reason during the middle of the final… /sigh</p>

<p>I sit by a slightly different version of the pell grant abuser archetype in each of my classes… it never fails.</p>

<p>The other quality of the PGA that bothers me is when they constantly apologize to the teacher for not doing the homework, and they have a 5 minute flawed story to go along with it. The best part is when they are assigned to your group for a project and drag everyone down with them. </p>

<p>The every day pencil borrowers **** me off as well.</p>

<p>The rednecks</p>

<p>The pregnant girls… who try to bum cigarettes from me every day.</p>

<p>speaking of cigarettes, any CC smoking pit is bound to produce some annoying stereotypes. The problem is that smoking is not allowed anywhere else on the campus, so all the smokers flock to the pit. If you were ever curious how people ended up on Jerry Springer or Cops, check out The Pit. Pit dwellers are often anxious to share with you every detail about their arrest records, baby daddies not paying child support, baby mommas having baby daddies arrested for not paying child support, why condoms suck, why school sucks, how Kelly took x amount of pills and almost died saturday night then woke up monday to skip school and take x amount of pills again. It’s not the thought of cancer that has made me cut down on cigarettes lately, it’s these gddmn stories. </p>

<p>ah man, I needed that… Sorry, rant over.</p>

<p>I’m a non-traditional student and a math tutor and I get annoyed when 23-year-olds tell me they aren’t doing well in a subject because they have been out of school too long.</p>

<p>I tutored math, as well. It was pretty common for students to claim complete math disability. Non-trads just used the excuse that “…it’s just been so long!”</p>

<p>I think that is a valid excuse, as math is one of those things if you dont practice you lose the ability. I had a 5 year gap between high school and CC and I had to start off with a course called College Algebra, and at first it was tough, the teacher assumed that since most people were coming from high school we all already had a grasp of the subject. I was behind at first but eventually after things started clicking did better and eventually worked by way up to Calc/ w anal geometry before transferring, but I spent more time in the math lab with C. Algebra that I did with 6 credits of precalc and 9 credits of calc combined.</p>

<p>How about when the student has been out of school nearly 20 years? Is that enough time to not remember algebra? I am actually considered a <em>transfer</em> student. Ya…right! I have my 20 year high school reunion coming up next year. That ONE college algebra class from university is LOOOOONG gone in my memory. I COULD go right into the class after that first college algebra. (And fail it something AWFUL! LOL!) BUT…I’m starting tuesday in the 2nd in a sequence of 3 remedials. WHY? I took the placement test and that’s where I scored. ugh… Guess I HAVE been out too long to remember it. I’m not spending all this money to fail my classes, so I’ll be inmy remedials and coming to tutors who hopefully will understand that sometimes TIME causes us to forget things.</p>

<p>“The every day pencil borrowers **** me off as well.
The pregnant girls… who try to bum cigarettes from me every day.”</p>

<p>yes, I’m glad someone mentioned that! No one mentioned yet the low-self steem older student who sits near you and try to steal your answers and look absurdly lost CONSTANTLY. Seriously, they are not going to learn if they keep thinking they CAN’T learn! Those are the most annoying.</p>

<p>The most annoying would be the student that has yet to do anything with his life but live at home with mom and dad and take just enough credits to not have to buy his own health coverage because he can’t afford it or wasn’t good enough to gain a scholorship to a university but feels the need to crack on older students to make himself feel like he is worth something in this world. </p>

<p>Just because one says that this is only having a little fun doesn’t mean that feelings aren’t being hurt. Not mine mind you, I’m just an old smart***</p>

<p>I don’t mind the older people in my classes. They usually keep to themselves and work harder than the average college-aged student.</p>

<p>The ones who really irritate me are the basketball/football players who constantly disrupt class or scream in the hallways. These same people always loiter in the student lounge and are loud in the library.</p>

<p>Edit: The pregnant chicks and the person who is in remedial math and attempts to correct the teacher/always answers the professor when something is asked to the class.</p>