<p>I read stuff in the internet where they bad mouth CC and people in it. Saying we are snotty geniuses and other crap. God knows most of us are not. You can read for yourselves:</p>
<p>I’ve read the urban dictionary one. I think it’s hilarious. The reason people think that way is because it’s partly true. If you look at chance threads for top tier colleges, more than half at least LOOK (because I can’t make judgments about people’s motives) like they’re their just to brag and people already know that they have as good of a shot as any other competitive applicant for these schools. Also the majority of CC is full of over-achievers. I’m not using that term in a bad way, but people who have done well in school all their life, have done well on standardized tests, have had good ECs and are generally just the high achieving group of students since those are the ones that for the most part would even bother posting on CC. I could definitely see someone who doesn’t fall in that category finding CC and thinking exactly what those entries say, just in a less vulgar way. </p>
<p>As far as the article goes, I wholeheartedly agree that CC has negatives. I don’t think it’s necessarily people purposely lying or trying to make people feel worse (though I’m sure it happens) but being on this site will definitely make anyone that’s less than a valedictorian, 2350 sat, published research ECs, etc, question themselves and cause extra stress in their lives at a point of our lives that for most of us is already the most stressful.</p>
<p>Now we blame CC when we notice that a published article needs a good proofreader? Haha XD</p>
<p>I found the article itself quite funny in a teen-ish way, and it mirrored some of my <em>initial</em> reactions towards the CC chance threads. Sure, she makes valid points that some of the chance me’s are ludicrous (but the forum is so addicting!) but I feel like her main opinion, “It is people like this that make me – and other ‘average’ students – feel less than competent,” should be addressed. College Confidential was originally designed to help all students to receive the information they needed to enter colleges of choice, but now people just feel turned off by the perceived elitist airs about the community.</p>
<p>I think the reason why it is so easy to write off College Confidential, is that it is difficult to find the true gems of the forums. I have had to spend quite a bit of my time during the summer to dig for the goldmine threads that contained real, honest information…time that not a lot of people have. Maybe it’d be easier if we had a suggestions thread (which I bet we already have, lurking in the deep pits of idledom) and the mods could sticky them all? Could help prove that yes, real help can be found here for any wanting student, no matter what “level of student” they are!</p>
<p>This is a pretty dumb question. What’s the point of lying about yourself in an anonymous forum? Obviously there are some nuts out there, but common sense dictates that the vast majority is honest. I would guess that there are as many people (or more) lying because they think the site is ridiculous than because they feel the need to show off.</p>
<p>The article suggests that the author has spent more time looking around at individual college forums and at the Chances board. That’s a mistake. Most of the value of this site lies in general info about college and in studying for standardized tests. It also gives people an opportunity to anonymously ask questions that are sometimes stupid, like the example in the article. It’s better to know that you shouldn’t than to have no one to ask an be left wondering.</p>
<p>That definition on Urban Dictionary is great. I got a good laugh out of it. Everyone lies about their stats, it is the e-***** for dudes and who knows what it is for girls. EGO BOOST FOR THE WIN?!</p>
<p>We should completely act like the definition says and make it a hilarious April Fool’s Day joke.</p>
<p>urban dictionary was hilarious and accurate. i hate CC, but it’s addictive not to mention something to entertain while waiting for my acceptance letters. although we are all valedictorians and top 5%ers ( just kidding) i think we all share the same admission decision anxiety.</p>
no. the vast majority is dauntingly conniving, ill informed, and jealous ( this is the majority at my school anyway). CC is erroneous because it’s users seem to have no clue what they’re talking about in the excessive “cH@nCE!!! meh” threads that plague CC. they tend to be just as clueless as the OP about admission decisions. current students can only guess at what really got them in and conversely applicants can only speculate based on middle 50% averages posted by schools; an individual who asks to be chanced with “less than desirable” stats doesn’t mean that adcoms won’t be intrigued by their essay, dazzled by recommendations, or decide to take a chance on said applicant.</p>
<p>Maybe if the student who wrote the LA Times article spent less time whining and more time with her ass at her work desk she’d have no reason to feel “less competent.” What a pathetic sentiment. If an internet forum makes you feel incompetent, you need psychiatric help.</p>
<p>Similarly, the people who wasted precious moments of their lives writing the Urban Dictionary definitions are dumb*<strong><em>s. No one is forcing them to browse CC. I don’t prowl the internet searching for websites, groups, and/or forums that I dislike so I can then proceed to </em></strong> and whine about them. These morons should ponder the extent of their idiocy and hypocrisy. Assuming they have the ability to think on that sort of level, of course.</p>
<p>lets face it Soulside Journey, students on CC are extraordinary. the LA times article was just explaining that ordinary/average students may feel inadequate after viewing the stats of those in their class or may be potentially “competing” with in certain pools. students on CC have nearly perfect everything! they are not representative of the masses. i guess CC was on designed for the masses, just the elite.</p>
<p>^ Agree 100% with everything there. I pretty much despise the vast majority of people on this site</p>
<p>And before you ask why I even bother to visit the boards if I don’t like the members, I consider CC to be like a bad accident on the highway: you slow down, take a peek at the damage, and then drive off, content in knowing that you’re better off than the victims</p>
I hate the **** out of College Confidential. - NeoGAF</p>
<p>^ Agree 100% with everything there. I pretty much despise the vast majority of people on this site</p>
<p>And before you ask why I even bother to visit the boards if I don’t like the members, I consider CC to be like a bad accident on the highway: you slow down, take a peek at the damage, and then drive off, content in knowing that you’re better off than the victims
Ooh, what a big bad internet tough guy you are… too bad CC kids will own you for the rest of your life, b****.</p>
<p>To be honest, this board can be a bit elitist at times. It doesn’t bother me that much, but I feel really dumb when I read some of the threads here. I don’t know why I like coming back so much though. Maybe for entertainment purposes. I know some people are really dedicated to getting into excellent schools, and I respect them for all the hard work they put in, but I still smile when I see threads about whether a B+ in AP Chem will hurt their chances of getting in to Stanford or some school like that. Yea, it’s a big deal, it will affect your future, but I can’t imagine myself looking back in 50 years and thinking, “Dang, if only I tried a little harder in high school, I could’ve gone to Yale.”</p>
<p>I know my opinion is not shared by everyone, but that’s how I see this board and why I can understand where people are coming from in those articles. Also, it’s not a jealousy thing either. I worked hard coming from a high school where UW-Madison was the best school anyone’s ever gone to, where I was the first person to score a 5 on any AP test. I was accepted at UIUC and Purdue in the engineering schools, but ended up going to Madison anyway (and am absolutely loving it here).</p>