Most Frustrating Class

<p>My must frusturating class is definitely honors chem. My teacher could spend forever teaching us a de facto nomenclature system but then when the important stuff comes he assumes we already know it and doesn't teach anything.</p>

<p>What is your most frustrating class right now?</p>

<p>Mine is positively AP Latin Literature. Even though I teacher is hilarious and really knows his stuff, he overworks us to hell. Having to translate 30 lines of Latin each night along with multiple projects and Latin recitations (have to be on rhythm too!) just make my homework load that much harder. And this is coming from a person who is used to doing about 20 minutes of homework each night in 5 AP classes. As of right now, I am supposed to be studying for a test on over 250 lines of Latin (in order to do well, we pretty much have to memorize the entirety of the poems).</p>

<p>AP Eng Lit… have to read so many books that cost $$$$. i don’t have the time and money for that right now with college apps and other classes. i’m managing though haha</p>

<p>ib english hl…no time to sleep. extremely boring teacher. poetry.</p>

<p>art is soooo frustrating</p>

<p>English 3H for sure…</p>

<p>Surprisingly, my anatomy course is a lot more frustrating than my AP courses. It’s just too much information to memorize.</p>

<p>AP Chemistry. Awful teacher who taught us the First Law of Thermodynamics and standard deviation completely incorrectly. Expects us to telepathically read his mind and do homework assignments accordingly. When we ask questions, he calls us morons or simply doesn’t answer us.</p>

<p>But it’s fine. Interestingly, I’m learning more chemistry from my physics teacher than my chem teacher, lol. :smiley: Thank goodness I decided to take the two simultaneously, or I would be learning chemistry completely wrong…</p>

<p>AP Psychology - The notes we take in class aren’t even coming from our textbook. The tests ask the smallest things from the chapters, which are about 40 pages long, and never use the notes we take in class. It’s just a difficult class that I don’t feel is preparing me for the AP exam in any way.</p>

<p>College Accounting. </p>

<p>It is so bland. They make everything more complicated than it should be. The tests are hell, too. I have to practically memorize 60+ pages per test.</p>

<p>The top five most frustrating classes I have taken are:

  1. AP Chem (It was so bad, that I quit)
  2. APUSH (almost as bad as AP Chem)
  3. Honors Algebra 2 (felt lost the whole time)
  4. Honors Algebra 3
  5. Anatomy</p>

<p>The most frustrating class is a math class that you feel lost in. Last year in Honors Algebra 2 I got completely lost the first half of the year and pretty much screwed myself over.</p>

<p>AP Euro way too much essays to write.</p>

<p>AP French Language. We’ve had 3 tests so far. And I got an 88 on all 3 of them. I’m not complaining about the 88s; I’m actually happy it wasn’t lower. I’m just frustrated that the fact that no matter how much I study, my grade doesn’t actually improve.</p>

<p>AP Physics B online :(</p>

<p>AP Stats
not because it’s hard, but it’s too decieving. One moment were going over simple probability, take a two week nap and then wake up to find an exam on my desk
and whats worse is the teacher feels like she has too validate her class with HARD ASS tests</p>

<p>AP psych online. I should have just studied for the exam…</p>

<p>My AP Chem class frustrated me sooo much today! Like I answered this question correctly on a quiz and provided the correct explanation but I got 10/20 for it because he wanted us to say something else too (that wasn’t asked in the question!) and my friend got the wrong answer but addressed the second part (that wasn’t asked in the question!) and got 15/20 WUTTTT</p>

<p>Honors Precal BC, it’s frustrating because I get everything up until the test and after the test…while forgetting everything about math DURING the test.</p>

<p>AP Calc. Stinks that I’m surrounded by these kids who think it’s simple stuff and never ask questions. Plus my teacher is bipolar or something…he’s always making jokes abusing himself, or about drugs. Then he paces around his desk before coming back to the overhead and explaining questions very quickly. I never get what he’s talking about. And I suck at Calc, obviously.</p>

<p>I agree with xinyoureyes. I understand everything in AP Calc, then get to the test and the test isn’t even over what we learned or something along those lines. It is ridiculous.</p>