Most unusual or unique class at IU-B this coming semester?

<p>A post someone made on college confidential recently got me thinking about what would be the most unusual course offered at IU-B this coming semester. I've come up with a few possibilities:</p>

<p>Espionage in the 21st Century (and advertised as being taught by a former CIA field officer).</p>

<p>Autonomous Robotics</p>

<p>War and Comic Strips (Note: Actually this one is being offered this semester)</p>

<p>Sexual Science Research </p>

<p>Prophets, Poets, and Kings of the Iranian Civilization</p>

<p>Chaghatay (Note: I think its a specialized language used in Afghanistan)</p>

<p>Economics of the European Union Integration</p>

<p>Vicissitudes of "We": The Aesthetics of Community in 20th Century Literature, Film, and Theater</p>

<p>Medieval Devotional Literature of India</p>

<p>Cryptography (Note: The Creation or Breaking of Secret Communication and Computer Codes)</p>


<p>Advanced Bankruptcy (Note: A Law Course)</p>

<p>Anyone care to offer some more options?</p>

<p>After reading through the list, I'm in one of the classes right now...War and Comics haha</p>

<p>I actually would have taken "Espionage in the 21st Century" if they offered it.</p>

<p>Maybe they will offer this one again next year when you're attending. (I see you've been accepted as a freshman for next year). </p>

<p>My son is considering taking this class on Espionage next semester. He said that it sounded interesting and he noticed that the professor teaching it has both good ratings and apparently tells great stories about his activities while in the CIA. He thought it also might apply to his major (Business--Legal Studies), and industrial espionage.</p>

<p>The Music of Jimi Hendrix, you must take this class.</p>

<p>What section is this espionage class under Calcruzer?</p>

<p>It's under the Global Village (GLLC) section.</p>