<p>A post someone made on college confidential recently got me thinking about what would be the most unusual course offered at IU-B this coming semester. I've come up with a few possibilities:</p>
<p>Espionage in the 21st Century (and advertised as being taught by a former CIA field officer).</p>
<p>Autonomous Robotics</p>
<p>War and Comic Strips (Note: Actually this one is being offered this semester)</p>
<p>Sexual Science Research </p>
<p>Prophets, Poets, and Kings of the Iranian Civilization</p>
<p>Chaghatay (Note: I think its a specialized language used in Afghanistan)</p>
<p>Economics of the European Union Integration</p>
<p>Vicissitudes of "We": The Aesthetics of Community in 20th Century Literature, Film, and Theater</p>
<p>Medieval Devotional Literature of India</p>
<p>Cryptography (Note: The Creation or Breaking of Secret Communication and Computer Codes)</p>
<p>Advanced Bankruptcy (Note: A Law Course)</p>
<p>Anyone care to offer some more options?</p>