MOSTEC - is it worth it?

<p>OK. My daughter did not get accepted for MITES 2013, however, she was offered to participate in MOSTEC. </p>

<p>1) Has anyone participated in that program? How much time was involved?
2) Do you think it is worth participating in?</p>

<p>We need to make a decision by April 24.</p>

<p>What is mostec?</p>

<p>MOSTEC is one part of the combination MITES, E2, and MOSTEC programs held at MIT. These programs are targeted for students interested in STEM. Applicants apply once for all ‘3’ programs. If selected, the applicant will be assigned one of the ‘3’ noted above. MOSTEC and E2 are online programs with a ‘1’ week stay at MIT. MITES is a 6 week program in which students take classes on the campus of MIT.</p>

<p>What else does your dd have lined up for the summer? It probably depends on her other options. My dd was rejected from MITES but accepted to 2 research programs at Yale School of Medicine/Yale U. Does your dd have a better comparable option?</p>

<p>If she does not have anything that will conflict with the one week residency program, why not grab MOSTEC and go? Online is not ideal. BUT, so many school are using online as all or part of their learning that it might be useful for her to experience that angle of things AND to later be able to talk about learning in that environment in future essays, interviews, etc. Competition this summer seems tough for all programs. If MOSTEC is low/no cost that is another reason to take it…often those programs are most highly valued as selection from a HUGE pool and income plays no role.

<p>taben1112: Thanks for you comments. I think we will go ahead and participate in MOSTEC. You may an excellent point about using this opportunity to explore the world of ‘on-line’ learning and later being able to talk about via an interview and/or essay. ALSO, this will enable her to work during the summer, before graduation. MOSTEC is no cost - we merely need to provide transportation to the school. AND you are correct, it was very competititive. It is my understanding that there were approximately 2,000 applicants. 200 individuals were selected to participate in 3 programs - MITES, E2, AND MOSTEC.</p>

<p>Hi there - wondering if you can update your post on your daughter’s experience with MOSTEC? Thanks!</p>

Really excited. Just submitted my application. I hope I get into E2 or MOSTEC, I would like to do MITES but it will conflict with vacation! Good luck to everyone