Motion Pictures Major?


<p>I was accepted EA for Finance, but after doing some soul searching, I realized that I wanted to pursue a career as a studio executive or a producer in Hollywood. I figured I can achieve all of this with a business degree since I will be working in the business side of Hollywood, but then I saw this Motion Pictures Major degree that Miami offers and saw that it deals with the business side of motion pictures as well.</p>

<p>Motion</a> Pictures - Undergraduate</p>

<p>If I was set on my career path as a studio exec/producer, would it be better to pursue a motion pictures major? Could I still pursue this career with a business (particularly finance) major? Is it possible to double major in finance and motion pictures? Or would it be really hard? </p>

<p>I could always minor in the motion pictures major as well. Anyways, does anyone have any other comments on the motion pictures major? Thanks!</p>

<p>If you major in motion pictures, you’ll be required to double major in something, just as a heads up.</p>

<p>Double majoring is big at Miami, lots of students do it.</p>

<p>is it possible to double major in motion pictures as well as a business major? i thought its usually impossible to major in two different studies from two different schools (communications and business).</p>

<p>No, not at all. All Comm students are required to double major outside of the school. In order to do this, you’d get a degree in communications (BSC) though, not business.</p>

<p>Ohhh I see. Wow this is excellent. This definitely pushes Miami higher up on my list. A double major in motion pictures and finance sounds superb.</p>

<p>You need to complete all requirements for both degrees, BS in Communications with a Motion Pictures major and BBA degree with a major in Finance. You can’t use a course to cover 2 requirements, but friends of mine majored in Marketing and something in the comm school so it’s not too hard.</p>

<p>Would marketing be a better a degree for a dual with motion pictures?</p>