Motion Pictures Program in the Communications School (undergrad)?

Hi! Does anyone have any info on this program they can share? Is this a good program? Are the students happy there?


My daughter applied there this cycle. While it is not nationally ranked, as FSU is (#24), it is still generally considered the second best film program in Florida. Overall, UM though is a higher ranked university than FSU. And the private vs public university differential is important to many applicants… including my daughter. Also, UM’s location offers many more external internship and other opportunities in the greater Miami area vs those available outside of FSU in Tallahassee.

Thank you @WWWard ! I see your daughter applied to USC as well! My son did too, but we are not counting on that one! Haha
If he gets into U of Miami we will go visit, but it is hard to find out anything about their program other than on their own website. He is already in at Emerson and Ithaca and we are also waiting to hear from BU.

You’re welcome. Yes. USC SCA is the obvious choice for many seeking a top-level film school, but acceptance rates in the 4-6% range make it hard to count on or even hope for…

UM seems to have re-tooled or modified their MP program since a few years ago when I recall my older daughter looking into it. It was even re-named. Back then, their website also seemed more informative. I am not sure why they changed it. Hopefully it is not a sign that the program back-tracked from what it was considered then as well.

My daughter is also thinking of applying to UCF for their film offering, since their deadlines are later.

Good Luck… at least you have solid acceptances already in-hand.

@WWWard My son was accepted at Miami early action so we will be visiting at the accepted students day. We will check out the program!

@TheatreGoddess Congrats! Feel free to post your thoughts… or DM me.

@WWWard My son absolutely LOVED University of Miami and unless he gets into USC I bet that’s where he will attend! It’s the first medium sized school, with a gorgeous campus, great communications school AND Division 1 sport teams that we’ve seen. The other schools he has been accepted to have fantastic film depts but lack in every other aspect of what he is looking for in college. We are assuming he will not get into USC because the odds are so slim, so we are thrilled he found a school he is excited about!

@TheatreGoddess Good to hear it. Was there anything specific about the program or facilities that appealed to him? And do you know when decisions are announced? (or was he an early admit?) We have yet to visit, but my daughter toured and interviewed at FSU MPA on Saturday. We were very impressed ourselves, and it may be emerging as our strong back-up to USC SCA. Her only other strong film admit so far is UTexas. The balance of the decisions will come in late March. I assume that is when she will hear from UMiami as well.

@WWWard He got in early action. The facilities were very nice and new. It is not a BFA program and I’m sure the film program itself doesn’t compare to Emerson (where he also got in EA) but Emerson doesn’t have any of the other college experience stuff that Miami or USC would have. He didn’t apply to NYU for that reason, plus I have a kid that went there and it is definitely not a fit for my son. He got into Ithaca bfa film early action, but he has no interest in being in Ithaca.
He wants a campus near a big city, sports, etc, etc. This made finding schools to apply to very difficult. Miami had super nice TV/ broadcast journalism studios which he is also interested in, and the program is very flexible so he can minor or double major.
He should have applied to FSU but it wasn’t on our radar until it was too late. I hope your daughter gets in there!!

@TheatreGoddess Thanks. Sounds like a good fit.

My daughter did not apply to NYU. Emerson, Chapman, etc for the same general reasons…