
<p>What is your motivation for working your hardest and trying to transfer out? </p>

<p>Currently, I need constant exposure to my dream school to remind myself exactly what I'm working toward. I don't think that it's a very good method, what do you guys do?</p>

<p>I printed out a picture of my dream school and posted it on top of my monitor to remind myself what I'm working for.</p>

<p>My friends. I have a close group of friends that all attend my dream school and are just waiting for me to transfer. They encourage me to try harder and work my butt off so I can achieve my goal.</p>

<p>I messed up at my first college and almost lost a place to live and the privilege of going to school. This is my last shot so I am doing it right and putting in 110% and gonna get that acceptance to my dream school if its the last thing I do!</p>

<p>I've printed the following-
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing</p>

<p>Coming from a first generation family here in the states, I grew up to appreciate the importance of education and the value it has for my future. With such financial setbacks, I was forced to apply to state schools here in Jersey. My best friend has applied and made it to USC and it kind of made me realize that despite the impossible I could get my GPA high enough to transfer to USC. </p>

<p>So here I am, my heart set on my dream school to be with my best friend. WORK HARD - you can't expect everything on a silver platter. Life is only as good as you'll make it, and believe me I am trying VERY hard to change my life for the better. :)</p>

<p>btw amitalon...amazing quote. totally got me pumped =]</p>

<p>Nike -- "Just Do It."</p>

<p>I work best on negative motivation. I think back on all the years I spent as an admin, getting my soul sucked dry by completely meaningless work that I could train a mildly impaired chimp to do in twenty minutes. The worst day at school is a million times better than the best day at a job that grinds down your dignity. Watch "The Office" -- especially the exchanges between Tim and Gareth. "You bring me down to this, mate..."</p>

<p>I also have my motivation of my dream school but also its important not to lose sight of what you are doing now:</p>

<p>As master Ugway says from Kung-Fu panda:</p>

<p>"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is gift."</p>

<p>Good stuff, guys. My girlfrend is currently attending my dream school. Can't decide whether it's a source of motivation or a deterrent. =P</p>

<p>duper, what is your dream school?</p>