Mount Holyoke Class of 2013?

<p>I know it's a little early, but I was wondering if there was anyone else on this forum who plans to apply this year for entrance to Mount Holyoke for the fall of 2009! I don't have a Facebook, so this looks like one of my best chances of meeting other prospective students online. </p>

<p>I guess I'll start off by telling you guys a little about myself. My name's Kejt (it's pronounced like "Kate" though :-D) and I'm 17 years old. I live in Iowa, which has been a great place for me, but I'm ready for something new and different. I will probably major in either chemistry or math; I'm also interested in creative writing, biology, philosophy, and women's studies. I'd really like to pursue research at Mount Holyoke. I'm involved in peace activism with a group of high schoolers here in DM, and I'd like to continue to organize anti-war events in college. I also planned my school's first-ever dance, which is one of my greatest achievements. I love to read and am fascinated with words. I visited Mount Holyoke in March '08 and had a great interview and loved the classes I sat in on. Since then, I've met with a wonderful alumna, e-mailed with several current students at MHC, and am fairly certain that it's my #1 choice. I'm considering applying early but haven't decided yet. </p>

<p>Alright! Anyone else out there who's looking at applying to Mount Holyoke this year?</p>

<p>I'm going to apply RD, probably. When I went to visit, I was so impressed by the friendliness of all the student admissions staff--my interviewer, the tour guides, etc. and that really influenced my decision to apply. Not to mention that the international emphasis that they have is pretty darn awesome for someone who comes from a rural place where there is no exposure to different cultures. </p>

<p>I'd probably major in English or some other humanities or social sciences field. I'm interested in creative writing, too, standardprints! </p>

<p>Yay for MHC and all its awesomeness! (I just hope I get in). :)</p>

<p>Yeah, of the women's colleges I visited, I definitely felt the most comfortable at Mount Holyoke. A girl from the admissions office asked me to have lunch with her and took me to classes, which didn't happen anywhere else. Campus is also just completely gorgeous, and I've always wanted to go someplace attractive for college. I'm excited for the international focus too! I'd love to have friends with a much different perspective than mine. </p>

<p>May I ask what other schools you're looking at? Good luck to both of us getting in! :D</p>

<p>I'm a LAC fan, so I'm looking at MHC, Midd, Wellesley, Bowdoin, Colby, Conn, Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore, Smith, and Williams. And since that list is pretty ambitious, I'll probably apply to UMass Amherst, too, just to be safe. What about you? Are you looking at other New England schools, even if they're far-ish away from home for you? </p>

<p>I don't really have a favorite...I mean, all of them are so similar, and the places where they differ there's almost always something unique to love. I'm hoping that this is a good philosophy so that when I get rejected by some of them it won't completely break my heart. That said, I do really really like MHC. Go Mary Lyon!</p>

<p>That list looks a lot like mine, actually! I came out to the East Coast in March and visited MHC, Wellesley, Smith, Haverford, Swarthmore, and Bryn Mawr. They're all fantastic schools, and I either have friends going to or know amazing alums from nearly all of them. The vibes at Wellesley, Haverford, and Bryn Mawr didn't really click with me, though- for instance, at Wellesley, I was the only girl I saw on campus wearing tennis shoes. MHC just felt the best to me, and I'm pretty sure I want to go to a women's college. </p>

<p>I love the energy of the East Coast. It's not what I'm used to, but it's really exciting. The schools that I'm planning on applying to this fall are Reed, Carleton, Grinnell, Earlham (my safety, I guess), Swarthmore, Smith, and Mount Holyoke. I feel so glad to know that I think I could be truly happy at any of these places..... but picturing myself at Mount Holyoke just makes me smile the biggest smile. Also, going to the FIRST college for women just seems so cool!</p>

<p>Hi, I've been looking at Mount Holyoke, Smith, Wellesley and Simmons. I'm definitely applying to Mt. Holyoke! I drove onto the campus and immediately knew that was where I wanted to go. I just got this wonderful feeling that it was welcoming and respectful and it's so gorgeous and... oh, just thinking about it makes me feel all fuzzy inside! I'm going in for an interview soon. Luckily I live only one to two hours away (unless you get hopelessly lost like I did when I tried to go visit) so it'll be really easy to get there. The tour I went on was really great and the student giving it was so fun to listen to. You could tell she was truly ecstatic about her school. I really hope I get in.</p>

<p>Nice to meet you, the-lady-blue! I literally can't think about Mount Holyoke without an enormous grin spreading over my face...
The students I met were about as great as you could get, friendly and excited and extremely intelligent. A girl I met in the admissions office voluntarily took me to lunch and class with her- she was fluent in four languages, had studied abroad in Peru, planned on joining the Peace Corps. after college, and wanted to become a history professor! The campus is flat-out gorgeous, too. I love the science and math building so much!
Of all the interviews I've had, the Mount Holyoke one was definitely my favorite. At other schools I felt like they weren't really listening to me, but the Mount Holyoke one was just a great conversation.
Good luck with your interview and getting in!</p>

<p>standardprints and lady-blue, it's awesome how excited you are about all these schools! I almost envy that you know exactly where you want to go already! I keep on having to tell myself that it's fine that I don't have an absolute favorite, but it's tough. I can agree on the fact that MHC is awesome, though! I was mostly struck with how nice everybody was on campus (especially in the interview--I got a handwritten note back from my interviewer right afterward! First time that's happened). And I'm glad you like the East Coast, standardprints--I've never really thought about it from an objective standpoint, but now that I think about it there's plenty of stuff going on around here! </p>

<p>I'm sorry that you got a bad vibe from seemed pretty cool when I went there, but I admit I didn't pay attention to the shoes. Maybe I'll become the first-ever Wellesley Student in Sneakers, haha. Or maybe I'll go to MHC and wear sneakers with you. </p>

<p>lady-blue, are you only looking at women's colleges? How was Simmons? My mom did her masters' there, but I've never really considered it before.</p>

<p>Well, wonderful ladies, that's what they mean by fit. That warm, fuzzy feeling you're describing.</p>

<p>I have two kids who felt exactly that way when they saw their colleges, and they went there and were right.</p>

<p>To Wellesley's credit, the shoes people WERE wearing were pretty cool, but I must admit that I felt underdressed in jeans and a t-shirt. My parents noticed it too, so I'm not just crazy! I did like my tour guide at Wellesley a lot, though, she was a women's studies major and just really proud to be on a campus where she felt empowered as a woman, which I thought was cool. </p>

<p>Mount Holyoke and Swarthmore were by far the friendliest-seeming campuses I visited. LaMariposaAzul, I really like all of the colleges I'm thinking of applying to- at least no matter where I get in, I know that I'll be able to be happy there, you know? Don't worry about not having a favorite. :) </p>

<p>mythmom, thanks for being so reassuring! Sometimes I feel a little scared about leaving for a place so far from home, because most of my friends plan to stay close, but I just love the East Coast & MHC.</p>

<p>I’m applying to Mount Holyoke ED! I visited for an interview over the summer and fell in love with it, and then went on an overnight in October with a rower (I row in high school and want to be on the crew team) and I felt so welcomed and at home. I really really hope I get in!!! It will be a long wait until January 1st…
I don’t know what I want to study… I might want to be a French major, or maybe poli sci… who knows!</p>

<p>Im applying to MHC ED !!! gl to all of us who r!</p>

<p>Good luck to all of you who apply ED. Don’t be disappointed if you get deferred to regular decision and then accepted. That’s what happened to my daughter. Again, good luck!</p>

<p>does anyone know if we can get a response from the college about ED admission before Jan. 1? possibly by checking on our student account or something?</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>