Move-In day/Rutgers Throwdown

<p>Anyone want to explain to me the whole process? Do you have to attend the throwdown? I heard some parts are fun and other parts are boring? Thank you!</p>

<p>You don’t really need to attend anything. I did, but I had friends that didn’t. I guess there were some helpful tips for your first few months in college, but you’ll learn along the way.</p>

<p>Attend the throwdown! There’s a lot of fun activities and you’ll be able to bond with your floormates. There’s not that much to do the first weekend anyway unless you know upperclassmen. Most of the ones that are on campus are probably partying or hanging out with other upperclassmen.</p>

<p>Might as well attend.</p>

<p>I’ll admit: I skipped the “throwdown” and the campus scavenger hunt. Guilty! I decided to take a trip to NY instead with this friend (an upperclassmen) that I knew from high school.</p>

<p>Miss it if you want, but you might as well just participate. Don’t be like me, hehe.</p>

<p>what exactly happens at the throwdown?</p>

<p>It’s a competition with several games to build unity in your building. I was an '07 freshmen so I’m not sure how much things have changed since then, but in my year, there was a flat waterslide where you compete to see how much farther you can get than the other team. There was a car stuffing competition - my building stuffed 25 people in a car! There’s a game where you put the 4 smallest people in a van and then get the 4 strongest to pull the van 50 ft. You get the picture. You get points for all these things as a building that are tallied in the end. I can’t even remember if we won anything, but it was fun. You also get a free t-shirt for participating.</p>

<p>that actually seems fun, i thought it would be stupid icebreaker things, that I HATE! i like things as a group not any individual thing lol.(public speaking is my biggest fear lmao)</p>

<p>That’s the rest of the orientation that I said to skip before. lol. My biggest fear was also public speaking, but I think they do their best not to put anyone on the spot. It’s more one on one. Think of it as speed-networking icebreakers. One of the games was just to circle people around and have them spend 30 or so seconds with each other. Speaking in front a group is voluntary with the other activities. It’s really useful if you want to sift through people to see who you want to be friends with, but it’s also tiring to do that the whole day. You can just find a moment to slip out, go back to your room and do other things.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info! So I guess I will attend the throwdown, possibly skipping any boring parts haha. Now the only thing is that I have to do the make orientation that day, wonder if it would interfere, but anyway thanks for your help! and you too mushaboomblue</p>


<p>My son also missed the summer orientation and was going to do the makeup on 8/29. When I inquired they said it was not mandatory, so he decided not to bother. It sounded like it was going to be a rehash of info that you already know - it might be better to spend the time with your housemates.</p>

<p>Thank you mamajay, I think than I will skip the orientation. Thanks!</p>