Move in time not specified?

okay…I should have posted this earlier, but my move in date is 4th(today technically) and my housing application doesnt say anything about my roommate ans move in time.

I asked housing dept. about this but didnt get a reply…then should I just go move in whenever i want?

Spring 2015 Check-In Information

Move in for the spring 2015 semester will take place on Sunday, January 4, from 10 am to 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.

To check in, please go to the area desk for your residence hall. The area desks locations are:

Bryant desk (for Bryant and Bryce Lawn)

Paty desk (for Paty, Somerville, Riverside & Lakeside)

Burke desk (for Burke & Parham)

Presidential I desk (for Presidential Village & Highlands)

Ridgecrest South desk (for Ridgecrest, Blount & Friedman)

Tutwiler desk (for Tutwiler & Harris)

Posted: 12/19/2014 3:26 PM
