<p>seen any good movies this year?</p>
<p>Yes. None of them came out in 2008, though…</p>
<p>Burn After Reading. End of discussion.</p>
<p>The Curious Case of Benjamin Button will also be good, but it’s not out yet.</p>
<p>^ Both, interestingly, Brad Pitt movies.</p>
<p>the movie, Wanted was pretty good.</p>
<p>American beauty and A Clockwork Orange are the two bets movies ever created… if you haven’t seen them, go rent them tonight. end of story</p>
<p>best* lollll</p>
<p>AMerican Beauty was funny too lol</p>
<p>We’re talkin about 2008 movies here.</p>
<p>American Beauty can’t even compare to Fight Club.</p>
<p>lol yes it is–but the whole movie is a metaphor for the Maslowian peak experience.</p>
<p>fight club doesn’t even belong in the same sentence as american beauty.</p>
<p>Don’t watch A Clockwork Orange, read the book.</p>
<p>every aspect of that movie was produced perfectly. watch the movie.</p>
<p>Except for the 21st chapter, which isn’t even included in the movie.</p>
<p>Burn after reading was ****ing hilarious.</p>
<p>if you like burn after reading, did you also like no country for old men?</p>
<p>i laughed at the stupid little things in Pineapple Express</p>
<p>no country for old men was pretty good imo</p>
<p>OH, and of course, The Dark Knight restored my faith in humanity. Heath revived the idea of having a truly insane, psycho, supervillian. It was everything the meh spiderman 3 should have been</p>