MS Berkeley chemical engineering VS Johns Hopkins BME

I’ve been accepted to chemical engineering PDP (product development program) of Berkeley and BME (biomedical engineering) of John’s Hopkins. Both are MS programs. So it’s more like a choice between the two majors. A lot of people (most are my classmates at college and former students) keep telling me that it’s hard to get a job with only a MS degree in either of the two majors. I understand that most people in the two majors (especially BE or BME) go for a phd since research is the key in the two fields, but I don’t think I’m the kind of person who can survive from the “formidable” phd journey. I am wondering what is the chance for me to get a decent job (non technician) in the industries if I attend to one of these two programs? Also, which major will give me a better chance in the job market? Thanks a lot!!

These are questions that the graduate program coordinators at the two programs should be able to help you find the answer to. The department probably keeps track of where their students go after graduating so they would be able to give broad answers based on that.
Another thing I’ve done is look up people on LinkedIn that have graduated from the program to see where they are now. Since people list their educational background on LinkedIn, it is pretty easy to find alumni and draw your own conclusions about job prospects after graduation.

Thank you so much for your advice hisllama!