<p>Hey CC, first post...</p>
<p>I'm deciding between MSU, where I'm in Briggs and was fortunate enough to get a full ride, and Michigan, where I've received substantial scholarships to not have to take out any loans at least for my first two years. Both are competitive offers and I'm having a pretty hard time.</p>
<p>I'm still pretty undecided, but I'm definitely leaning towards biological sciences with a possible future in medicine. </p>
<p>Clearly, Michigan has higher rankings and better general prestige, but I'm also aware of the opportunities at State - namely more accessible Study Abroad (covered by scholarship), the PA program (unlike UROP which requires an actual application), and the increased possibility of, if you will, standing out (than at UM. not going to be overly modest...)</p>
<p>What do you think? Distance isn't an issue, but I prefer urban Ann Arbor over EL. At the same time I've got to keep my sights in the future grad/med school rather than on short term benefits and things I would like better.</p>
<p>How do the science programs at the two stack up, and how would they apply themselves to my situation? Any help would be highly appreciated :)</p>
<p>Honestly, in your case, I would just try to spend some overnights at each place if possible. Sit in on a few classes. See what “feels” right. </p>
<p>Congratulations- you really can’t go wrong either way.</p>
<p>Thanks for your input
I know it’s pretty late in the process but I’m definitely going to try to do so! Thanks again.</p>
<p>mizufall you’ve got me curious? What was the full ride for did you “ace” the ACT or something? I’ve heard of some really excellent merit packages that cover a solid portion but getting a full ride is quite an honor (completely besides the money.) Congrats btw</p>
<p>ADS is a full scholarship. You get it by being invited to take a test and then acing the test. I think there are other factors involved too but I’m not positive. I’m in my phone, can’t link so you can google MSU and ADS.</p>
<p>Yeah I’d echo romani in saying that it is pretty much a wash between the two schools/opportunities offered at each. You can’t go wrong either way. In a decision like this I’d recommend for you to visit both schools. At the very least, talk to students attending both schools - since you are in honors, I’m sure that you can contact someone through admissions/honors programs who can put you in touch with a student who is in a similar career path as you, so you can hear their opinions about academic/social opportunities available at each respective school.</p>
<p>MSU has better girls.</p>