<p>On Saturday, my dad and I corrected my FAFSA information and updated it with the new tax returns for the year. On Sunday, however, my dad realized that he had input some of the figures incorrectly. I logged back in on Sunday, only to realize that the "make corrections" button was nowhere to be found..?? I tried again today, but it's still not there. It's only been 2 days since Saturday, so maybe I just need to wait until 3 days passes since it's supposedly processed in 3 to 5 days. On FAFSA though, in a small box on my info screen, it says that it was input on Saturday AND processed on Saturday. I'm confused. Can anyone help with this? I just want to make sure that everything is done on time. One of my schools has a Feb. 15 financial aid due date.</p>
<p>Give it a day or so to process.</p>