Multiracial students

Hey all,
When looking at multiracial students do colleges look at what races make up that students background or are they all multiracial? So would a student who is half white and half asian be looked at differently than a half black and half latino student?


What is your point or question?

As a multiracial student I am just curious if I am going to be lumped together with all multiracial students or whether or not I will be looked upon differently given my situation.

I doubt that there is a blanket answer - individual colleges will look at it as they see fit. Although I would guess that if (and this is a big if) a college provides a bump in admissions to URM’s, that the half black/half hispanic applicant would be viewed differently from the half white/half Asian. But before you start thinking about all the permutations and combinations of multi racial, I’d advise you to find something else to wonder about, and file this question under “It is what it is.”