museum curator and traveling archaeologist

<p>i was thinking of these professions since I really like history and stuff but I was wondering what path to take in college in terms of years of study and such. does anyone know the average salary?</p>

<p>anthropology, art history, museum studies</p>

<p>Everything depends on your actual interests. The previous post mentions anthro, art history, and museum studies. Add Classical Studies to that list. Then throw in whatever languages are relevant to your area of interest (e.g. Greek/Latin for Mediterannean). </p>

<p>You will most certainly be heading to grad. school. Most museum positions will be looking for PhD's (There are some assistant level positions that ask for the MA but I would expect even those positions will be filled by PhDs). Since most museums are non-profits I suspect pay is livable but not great.</p>

<p>Check museum websites for more info - most have an employment section but it can be hard to find. Few, if any, post pay scales.</p>

<p>Ah! you can google "museum curator pay" - looks like $40K - $55K</p>