Music 27 or Physics 10?

<p>I heard both of these classes were interesting/fun to take, but both happen to have the same lecture times so if anyone has taken any of these classes before, can you tell me whether or not they're worth taking or not? Thanks.</p>

<p>I wish I could take Phys 10. No math sounds awesome.</p>

<p>Phys 7 series FTL. =(</p>

<p>Take Music 27. I'm taking it. I heard its nicknamed 'clapping for credit'</p>

<p>Also, the Prof Reviews were awesome.</p>

<p>Both of the classes are fun/interesting to take, and both professors are good. Both are interesting and personable, although I would give Muller the slight edge.</p>

I heard its nicknamed 'clapping for credit'


<p>Hadn't heard that. Don't be disappointed, CardinalFocused, but there is only clapping on a few days of class. </p>

<p>Both music 27 and physics c10 are great classes, and both Maroney and Muller are great professors. A tough decision, really. Maroney is going to be gone (touring Europe) during Spring, so he won't be teaching it then. I'm not sure if physics c10 with Muller is every semester.</p>

<p>If you know a lot about the history and development of classical music, music 27 would probably be less worthwhile, just as if you knew a lot about physics, physics c10 would be less worthwhile.</p>

<p>"Hadn't heard that. Don't be disappointed, CardinalFocused, but there is only clapping on a few days of class."</p>

<p>Maybe I should drop :(</p>

<p>Maroney makes up for it . . . and does some awesome clapping! But nothing compared to his harpsichord, piano, and organ playing . . . well, I guess he is a good clapper . . .</p>

<p>"Maroney makes up for it . . . and does some awesome clapping! But nothing compared to his harpsichord, piano, and organ playing . . . well, I guess he is a good clapper . . ."</p>

<p>Hahah, nice. Heard its a good introductory class in music. cough cough gpa.</p>

<p>Haha well, if you suck at remembering things, doing your reading and listening, and analysing music, you're GPA isn't going to be hepled much, but hopefully you can utilize your writing skills in the required musical analysis. Also, try to get a GSI who supplements the course in a good way instead of one who only discusses and plays 20th century and contemporary music, and if that's what your GSI does, complain.</p>

<p>Is music 27 more about reading music or learning about the history of music? Or both?</p>

<p>It's not about reading music, rather it's about learning the history of music, specifically classical or Western music wtih a focus on the past 1000 years. It's also largely about listening to music. The textbook has some written music which you can read while listening if you are able or want to do so. You learn to read musical notation in music 20.</p>

<p>^So it goes over rap and stuff too?</p>

<p>Not so much . . . there's a bit about rock music and jazz and a tiny bit of hip hop and rap at the end of the book, but there's a good deal of 20th century music. There's a huge focus on the Renaissance through the 20th century.</p>

<p>Aw sweet. Hopefully, it'll get into the old school stuff. Although, I'm going to drop the course if at any point, Maroney gets 'hyphy'.</p>

<p>Well, I'm very okay with the fact that the course has no major Bay Area rap component.</p>