Music Scholarship for Non-Music Majors

I wanted to throw this out for the consideration of students considering SU. At almost the last minute, while my daughter was still deciding on which school to attend, the FA office told us about this scholarship. It allows kids who aren’t music majors to continue their study and performance of music. My daughter’s scholarship is only $1,000/year (she also got a generous amount of other scholarships), BUT weekly jazz piano lessons are also included. She will be expected to participate in jazz ensembles and to accompany other performers when needed.

She is in Reed Hall, which is literally right across the sidewalk from the music/art building. She can go over there any time, day or night, and play a piano in one of the nice practice rooms. It’s a great stress reliever for her. I’m sure glad we found out about this opportunity! That’s one good reason to visit campus and ask lots of questions - you learn about things like this.