Musical Theater in college

<p>Hello all,
I am very interested in musical theater and hope to work in the field someday. Even if I don't pursue work on stage, I still want to train in musical theater in college and take classes in the business and production end of theater as well.
I would really appreaciate some suggestions with majors the would allow me to study all aspects of theater (not just onstage), ESPECIALLY musical theater.

<p>There are many schools across the country that have very solid Musical Theatre BA programs that open up the possibility of gaining experience in all aspects of theatre. There are even BFA programs that offer some flexibility. Look for programs that have both Musical Theatre and either Arts Administration or Management programs, and contact them to see if you can study both. </p>

<p>Remember that each school has a different approach to training and a different focus. The best schools will let you know up front who it is they are looking for and what they do best. No school is right for every student. Make certain during your search that everything you are searching for is addressed by the institution. Otherwise you’ll get there and wonder why.</p>

<p>As to specific schools, I try to avoid giving names - good or bad. But I would start with the stronger B.A. programs first. If you have specific questions, feel free to contact me.</p>

<p>I would agree with kjgc. In general BA programs tend to offer a bit more flexibility in terms of exploring different areas (even within one’s field of major study). It can also be easier to double major at most BA programs. In the BA program where I teach we have quite a few students who double major in the Musical Theatre Concentration – most with Media Arts and Design, but some with other majors as well. We also have quite a few students who are interested in Arts Administration who pursue the non-profit studies minor.</p>

<p>As Kjgc says above… “no school is right for every student”. If you look closely and ask questions of the schools you are visiting you will get a sense of what schools might offer the kind of educational experience you are looking for.</p>

<p>Good luck! PM me if you have any additional questions.</p>

<p>theatregirl, If you look to the top of the listings in the MT area you will find a thread
titled IMPORTANT: FAQ Link (not the one across the top in white on the dark blue bar, below that) click on that. You will find the “big list” which tells you which schools have
MT programs, how hard they are to get into, what type of degree they offer, plus a
myriad of other important details dealing with this type of education. Its a good place
to start, then you can visit the school’s websites, and so on. Good Luck!</p>