Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

<p>Welcome, megansmom! I don’t think it’s too early to get some good ideas. I have been following for a few years, probably since my D was a sophomore. That prepared us well to launch into senior year activities like applications and auditions.</p>

<p>Thanks lastbird!</p>

<p>Hi, jessicalee92! My D auditioned at MSU on the 11th for VP. She really likes the campus - especially the Botanical Gardens. I might have some questions for you later, especially if she gets accepted.</p>

<p>Hi Everyone,</p>

<p>I’ve tried to introduce myself before but must have made a mistake in posting it, as it never showed up! Anyway, our family went through all the highs and lows of the music school audition process last year only to realize that it’s only the beginning for a student of voice. Now I am lurking to learn more about the graduate process, the various programs, and all that comes after that! Wishing everyone the best during these exciting and stressful months of travel, germs, and best of all, growth as young musicians!!</p>

<p>Welcome Setumommy. Sometimes while writing a post, you will get timed out. Maybe that happened. If it is a long post, write it in word and then paste.</p>

<p>These CC threads have been so helpful. Thank you all for the informed opinions. I’m a mom of a soprano/undergrad performance. She applied to 13 schools. What a busy senior year! Our HS Guidance Dep’t had no idea how to help her, so we’ve been on our own. I really appreciate these posts.</p>

<p>Great idea!</p>

<p>I’m a Canadian composer with a BMus in Composition. I have written for nearly every medium. After several years of freelancing and private teaching I am looking to go back to school for graduate studies.</p>

<p>I am responding to my own post, 8 months after the fact, so, not sure anyone will ever see this, ha! But, it just occured to me that I never followed up. My son, a High School Sophomore last year, came home after the AP Music Theory exam all distraught as he thought he’d bombed it. You guys gave me great advice: don’t worry about it! You told me even if he made a 5 he would still have to have his level assessed before entering a music school and that most likely he would not get a course credit no matter what he made. All great advice, thanks so much. And, after all of his angst, he ended up with a 4. He was still mortified but in Mom’s opinion a 4 is entirely respectable. I do understand why he was upset though: he really was one of the best students in the class and the teacher was very surprised he didn’t get a 5. </p>

<p>As a result of that (for him) under-performance, we decided to have him tested for ADD and he was diagnosed (inattentive, not hyperactive). He had been telling us for years that he had trouble paying attention in class but I just did not want to go down that path. Now I am kicking myself and for all of you parents who have resisted this, I can attest that meds have made an unbelievable difference in his grades plus his PSAT jumped 350 points with no studying, no prep. </p>

<p>I know I’ll sound like a mean ol’ Mom but for a while there I thought he was purposefully slacking off so we would be forced to take him in and get him diagnosed; but when he came home so devastated after the AP Theory Exam, I finally believed. He would no more have thrown that test on purpose than he would have cut off one of his fingers. He’s STILL mortified that he didn’t make a 5.</p>

<p>Sidenote: His teacher stood up in front of the whole band this year and said, “Hey, all you in my AP Theory class last year who made 5’s, raise your hand!” What an ass. But, a character building episode for my son I suppose. Sigh.</p>

<p>Thanks for the follow-up, NativeTarheelian. Your S will be fine … getting a 4 as a sophomore says that he has a great base to build from for the next 2 years of HS.</p>

<p>My S also has inattentive ADD and in 8th grade we finally folded and tried the meds. It was unbelievable … he is a freshman in college this year and has learned how to manage his time and organize and focus much better, but some things will always take more effort than someone w/o ADD. The good news is that once he is interested in something, he goes whole hog and cannot be distracted. And to that teacher, oh well … I think the teacher was just giving himself a pat on the back.</p>

<p>Keep us posted on your S’s musical progress … as you have learned, the AP Music Theory test does not define their musical path or success.</p>

<p>Thanks SnowflakeVT! Yes, I only reported the “good” from the meds… he still struggles with missed assignments on occasion but he’s SO much better than he was. Where is your S and what is his major? </p>

<p>And on the teacher, well, perhaps I was overly sensitive since the non-5 was a sore subject with my S. :)</p>

<p>Hello all. </p>

<p>I am mom to an International HS junior who is interested in studying music production in the US. My son is doing the higher level IB music diploma. We are American, but living overseas. We have just started working on our summer college visit list. So far it’s Berklee, Clive Davis at NYU, Drexel, Belmont and MTSU.</p>

<p>I would love to hear other suggestions, ideas, thoughts.</p>

<p>Any other IB and/or international parents out there?</p>

<p>Welcome Romemama, good start with your list. My D is at Berklee studying Contemporary Writing and Production … Halfway between Songwriting and full Production. There are a few Thornton/USC parents here, perhaps they will comment if Thornton makes sense to add to you list.</p>

<p>I am the mom of a few children. One of them is a junior who plays the viola. She can also play the cello, but the viola is her primary instrument. She loves composing. She would major in composition if it were more reasonable.</p>

<p>What do you mean by reasonable, for composition? Career path?</p>

<p>Thanks so much! We have talked about Thornton, but east coast schools make life a little easier with us living in europe. Your D’s Berklee program sounds exactly like what N is looking to study. Your posts have been very useful as we start on this roller coaster.</p>

<p>Excited to say d got into Duquesne, Hartt and Boyer. We cancelled BU. Boyer was the number one choice. Now waiting to hear scholarship information. So happy for her and excited to have a decision. Onto the next part of the journey. I was glad to have this resource throughout the process.</p>

<p>Congrats pianolovers. S is accepted to Hartt and Duquesne too. Let us know what happens!!!</p>

<p>Hello all. Late to find this site and post. I would like thoughts on how practice lessons help with admission to music school. (Of course they help the kid decide which teachers he/she likes but does it work the other way around?) Twin girls here. D1 - viola, was asked by the viola rep after her audition at one school if she would like a lesson at the end of the day. Unfortunately she had to decline since our flight home was only a few hours away. She wrote him a note asking if she could have a private lesson instead on her next audition trip to a nearby school in February. D2- violin, went to a different school for an audition and was asked during the audition if she would like to attend the school’s summer camp. She was also told that a private lesson would be beneficial. She received a letter within 9 days that she was accepted at this school. I suppose requests like these could be clues of a favorable outcome to the audition. Do most kids ask for lessons during the SAME trip as the audition or is it better to get a lesson on a separate trip? The girls actually had some private lessons a year ago at some schools but we couldn’t hit more than a few. Living in the depths of the Rocky Mountains it is hard to get to the eastern schools regularily.</p>

<p>Nysaxmom she will be going to Boyer at Temple. That has been her favorite all along. We are thrilled.</p>

<p>Congrats, pianolovers! Temple U’s orchestra was just nominated for two Grammies (one for their recording of Dave Brubeck’s Ansel Adams score. </p>

<p>[Two</a> Temple-commissioned orchestral works earn GRAMMY nominations | Temple University News](<a href=“]Two”>Two Temple-commissioned orchestral works earn GRAMMY nominations | Temple Now)</p>

<p>D2 goes to Tyler, the art school that is literally attached to the Esther Boyer School. Temple is a wonderful school-- I hope she loves it.</p>