Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

<p>Son is applying as composition major. Auditions completed at Jacobs (successful) and Peabody (waiting). Auditions for Juilliard and MSM next month.</p>

<p>Hi Iā€™m the mom of my son a flutist. He applied for double degree BM in Flute and BA in French. </p>

<p>I prefer to not state which colleges until the acceptances are in hand and the financial aid is final. I understand colleges can talk among themselves and decide where a student will go and adjust the financial aid. I know this is the case because why else did every application ask where you are applying? Where a student applies should have no bearing on whether they accept them. </p>

<p>I can say he was turned down by Bard to have a live audition. The recorded audition was my failure. I had to patch an accompanied piece because the software stopped at 3 minutes on a recording. When I realized what happened we had no way to record another accompanied session because finding a pianist is hell when you live in a rural area. Especially when the incredible pianist tore her tenden, the 2nd one injured her tenden, and the final one was busy because of the other two having injuries. And the audition music accompaniment was difficult for the piano.</p>

<p>Every pianist I see I ask them to consider being a collaborator pianist.</p>

<p>Hi, my dd is a freshman in high school who has already made up her mind (ha) to study vocal performance in college. Iā€™ve been lurking to get a feel for what is ahead, and frankly Iā€™m terrified for her. She has her eye on Simpson College after attending the Orpheus Camp last summer, but she definitely will be keeping her options open. She also plays the cello. Looking forward to soaking up knowledge from all of you!</p>

<p>Welcome. songgirlsmom. If you have not already been there, check out the first dozen or so posts on the thread <a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt; for an overview of how we handled the process. It was written for a string major, but most of it would also apply to a singer.</p>

<p>I am the mom of a french horn Junior performance major at Capital University. I am a dental hygienist and have an older son who is a just earned a communications degree from Ohio University. I am happy to have found this forum, but think I should have looked for it sooner!</p>

<p>Iā€™ve been posting here for a while without actually introducing myself. Iā€™m a senior in high school, and have auditioned for various undergrad voice programs as a mezzo-soprano. I also play French horn pretty seriously, and hope to continue playing on the side in the future!</p>

<p>Daughter is a HS senior, looking for a double degree in Vocal Performance & Englishā€¦applied to 8 colleges/conservatories, got accepted to 5 so far, still waiting to hear from UCLA, Oberlin and SF Conservatory.</p>

<h1>SopranoMum Which schools did she find to do a double major? How would that happen at SF Conservatory? Trying to compile a list of places where it is realistic to think of getting a BM and a BA together.</h1>

<p>Hi, my son is a junior violist at a performing arts high school and is interested in a recording industry or music technology major. He also sings, plays guitar, bass, keyboard and drums and has done musical theatre. I am also a musician who attended the same high school and have a bachelorā€™s in oboe performance and a masters in church music.</p>

<p>Hi. I have a freshman daughter currently majoring in vocal music ed. She also plays guitar, clarinet and sax. And I have a high school senior daughter who plays flute and started piano only a couple of years ago. Her plan is to get a BM or BMA in flute performance then get her MM in music therapy. She only auditioned at three schools, and sheā€™s only received an acceptance at one so far. No word yet on scholarships. Waiting is the hardest part.</p>

<p>Shymom, I feel your pain on accompanists. We didnā€™t have that problem for auditions, but my daughter missed a competition because we couldnā€™t get one. I havenā€™t seen many other flute parents on here. Itā€™s nice to see another one. Good luck during this process. Waiting is so hard!!</p>

<p>I wish I had found this forum months ago when I started this process with my son. He is a senior with acceptance to a Conservatory and two other private University/Schools of Music. His course of study is Trumpet Performance in Orchestral music (though he also plays jazz). This has been on of the loneliest processes to go through. As parents we would like to see him chose a school with some academic classes to ā€œfall backā€ on. He is a totally average student academically with pretty abhorrent study skills, but as a musician he doesnā€™t miss a beat (pun intended). Financially all will be pretty pricey even with very large talent scholarships and financial aid. He is ready to make a decision and commit this week. We are meeting with an adviser to look over all the offers today. Anybody out there who was in this situation? What did you, and would you do it again?</p>

<p>He sounds talented. Support him in his decision and encourage him to challenge himself the next 4 years. It sounds like this is his passion.</p>

<p>BrassMom17, if you are willing to tell us which colleges accepted him, we would love to add him to the <a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Accepted at:
Cal State Fullerton (BM Trumpet Performance)
U Colorado Boulder (BM Trumpet Performance)
U Redlands (BM Trumpet Performance)
SFCM (BM Trumpet Performance)</p>

<p>Hello everyone - I have just read BassDadā€™s excellent ā€œSo you want to be a Music Majorā€¦ā€ thread and I can see that we are in for quite a ride. My D is finishing up junior year & wants to keep her options open between science and vocal performance. She wants to stay in California so we are mostly looking at UCā€™s and CSUā€™s, but she has the stats to get full tuition scholarships at places like U of Alabama, so Iā€™m encouraging her to stay open-minded about location. We are going to sit down this weekend and chat about how to attack this complicated process - weā€™re thinking of a giant chart/calendar to hang in the hallway!</p>

<p>Iā€™ve been in and out of various threads and just realized it might be a good idea to actually introduce myself via this thread. My HS freshman plays oboe and has talked off and on as early as 7th grade about being a performance major. A couple weeks ago, for the first time she just flat out stated, in no uncertain terms, ā€œthat IS what Iā€™m going to doā€. OK . . . here we go. Fortunately, from teachers to audition judges, weā€™ve had many people make very complimentary comments about her ability, so maybe she really does have a shot at this.</p>

<p>So here I am, trying to learn as much as possible from all of you who have gone before me. I donā€™t expect to learn all the answers, but at least when questions come up I can hopefully point my daughter in the right direction to find the answers. Thanks to those of you who have unknowingly helped already, and a future thanks to those of you from whom I know I will glean plenty over the coming years.</p>

<p>Side note: I played trumpet and my wife still plays flute, so weā€™re not musically ignorant. But having a child who plays a double reed instrument is a completely different world. What martian came up with this instrument?!?! We just sort of stare at each other. Fortunately, my daughterā€™s private teacher is someone whose advice we completely trust!</p>

<p>DesignDad - welcome! It is good that youā€™re getting an early start. D may yet change her mind, but everything you learn here can only help the process.</p>

<p>Hi DesignDad, Iā€™m an oboe player but my children play strings so Iā€™m in the same boat in terms of not understanding what they do. </p>

<p>When I was a freshman in HS, someone said to me, ā€œOh, you play the oboe? I used to play the oboe!ā€ All I could think was ā€œUSED to play? How can that be?ā€ So I know where your daughter is coming from. </p>

<p>I havenā€™t taught privately for a while, but I still know several oboists with recent college experience, so Iā€™m happy to help any way I can.</p>

<p>Hi! Iā€™m a former school teacher, current full time wife and mom. Husband is an electrical engineer. Our high school senior S has been accepted to Eastman, Ithaca, CUNY Queens, USC, Peabody and BU for a BM in oboe performance. We are thrilled! Making our final decision soon. Heā€™s also a pianist, plays the English horn, and tennis. Our D is a sophomore in high school, non musical and a three sport athlete. Both are are in the National Honor Society.</p>