Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

<p>Sguti40: Our D’s sound very much the same. Lyric colortura D applied to 19 schools! Ridiculous I know. Now trying to schedule the auditions, and setting up travel plans is overwhelming. So far she has had one local audition, and has 10 more scheduled. We are waiting on two more prescreen results. We will be in Chicago for MT Unifieds one day and Florida the next!</p>

<p>Greetings! My daughter is a freshman double major in music (cellist) and Spanish at Emory University. They have an excellent symphony orchestra (conductor is British and a Pulitzer-nominated composer.) Emory offers some half tuition music scholarships (must audition in senior year for acceptance.)</p>

<p>Hello. Mid aged Mom of 3 preparing to return to school for my BA in Music Ed. in the fall.</p>

<p>hello StuyMom2,
My Daughter attends Rice as a violin Major. A very small and terrific school! However, it is very difficult to double major there. The school is so small (each class around 26-30, thats all music majors) that they only have one section of each course for music majors and most other classes conflict. Northwestern has many double Majors and they seem to work with the students well to work it out (I attended NU, as does my son currently)
I am sure Oberlin and Michigan would also be better choices for someone wanting a double Major. Just something to consider. My daughter loves her school, but she does not want to double major.</p>

<p>I’ve read through so much of this thread, and I really wanted to say in writing that I wish I had/have parents like all of you…Seriously, I hope your kids realize how fortunate they truly are. My parents have never really been involved with my music, and when I told them about my plans for grad school, my dad never replied back to me, and my mom told me that I should put it off until I can pay for all of it on my own (then she encouraged me to apply to Google). I’m currently preparing my auditions for an MM in piano performance/pedagogy degree and aside from my teacher (who thankfully continues to teach me even when I can’t afford to pay him), friends, and another close mentor, I’m virtually all on my own. And I realize that everything is relative and that I should count my blessings, but I’ll just say that I think that your level of support and involvement, and the pride you all have in your children is incredible. And even though you don’t know me, will you please pray/send good thoughts my way? I live in San Francisco.</p>

<p>Sending good thoughts and best wishes for your upcoming auditions, pianoleg!</p>

<p>pianoleg–you have my best thoughts with you!!! Much success to you!</p>

<p>pianoleg - sending you positive vibes and thoughts in your musical journey ahead and a Happy 2014!</p>

<p>chemusic - He did not seem to like Vassar and did not apply - I honestly think it is senioritist starting to set in and was to lazy.<br>
He was deferred by Princeton. Accepted by Umass Amherst and UVM
He just heard that he was not invited to audition at NEC :frowning: very humbling. I personally think he picked the wrong major there - he applied for composition but has never had the opportunity to have any of compositions played.
He was invited and will be auditioning at UMiami in a few weeks.</p>

<p>pianoleg - Wishing you the best. Break a pianoleg</p>

<p>pianoleg, you have come to the right place–here you will find an abundance of caring, concerned, supportive people who will send every good thought your way and be here for you, cheering you on. Welcome aboard. Please keep us posted!</p>

<p>Thanks for all the positivity! But I think we all kind of need it right now… this whole process is so incredibly stressful. You guys all seem to know way more about all of this than I do, so does anyone know if it’s remotely possible to appeal a pre-screening decision? Even though I’d like to primarily concentrate on pedagogy, I naively applied to Bienen’s graduate piano performance and pedagogy program, not really taking into account how competitive it is. I didn’t pass pre-screening, but I’m wondering if it’s realistic to ask admissions if they can re-consider me for just the pedagogy program.</p>

<p>I already passed pre-screening for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and I have a regional audition for BU tomorrow. Since both of these schools have very respected pedagogy/Music Ed programs and they’re cheaper than NU, maybe I’m dodging a bullet by not getting the Bienen invitation after all. But, in my heart of hearts I’m desperate to go to NU, so I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas/suggestions. Thanks again for all the good vibes!!</p>

<p>Hi All! Somehow I just found this thread. My son is a junior in HS - percussionist - and is looking at jazz studies programs and possibly some of those merged contemporary programs jazz/production type programs. I think right now dream school is The New School. He is recently looking at NEC and the Contemporary Improv program. StacJip, I am interested in what you said about the flexibility at NEC.</p>

<p>Ahhh so excited about auditioning live at eastman for undergrad cello! Just really hope I’ll have the opportunity to prove myself as a good student now. It took me until senior year to realize that you can’t blow off school work and just practice cello. I’ve made high marks my first semester in senior year. But nonetheless, I’m excited!</p>

<p>Saint fan, welcome. Has your son thought of summer programs yet? I ask because when my D did a summer program at Berklee, she met many kids who where interested in NEC, the New School, Mannes, Eastman and others. A competitive summer program also introduces your student to international musicians so your son has feedback on how he compares to the application pool. Just something to think about if you are new to these music discussions.</p>

<p>Hi. My son is a junior in highschool and will be auditioning next year for a bm in cello performance. He just decided to be a music major. I just wish he’d told us sooner. He’s a little behind because he wasn’t practicing as much as he should but at least he has a year to prepare for auditions. So far this website has been very helpful.</p>

<p>Cellomom6: where is he applying? Does he study privately and what has he played repertoire wise? Just curious to hear what other cellists are working on haha :)</p>

<p>I’m a freshman in HS and I want to major in composition or piano performance, maybe with a minor in spanish or musical theatre, and I eventually want to be a music professor.</p>

<p>Hi, this is my first post. I am a parent of a hs junior at an arts school who is majoring in piano. She wants to attend college as a composition major. We are looking at a wide variety of schools, from Eastman to SUNY at Stony Brook.</p>

<p>Always happy to welcome a composition parent. There are a number of us on this Forum who will be happy to try to help you navigate.</p>