My Appeal Went Through!

<p>Yes, I cant believe it, finnaly :slight_smile: I havent posted on this site yet, mainly just read…but I guess this will be my first post of many :slight_smile: Never give up guys !
*I got accepted to UCLA on appeal</p>

<p>wow... when did you find out!! that was fast??!! congrats!!!</p>


<p>Wow! Congrats!</p>

<p>Just out of curiosity, what did you put on your appeal?</p>

<p>kemikaruu, he also put this post in the ucla forum and put some more detailed information there if you wanna check that page :) this one hasnt really been updated</p>

<p>I lost the abilty to walk two years ago in a car crash, and didnt include that in my orginal application (wow big woops on my part)</p>

<p>Cool, yeah, I checked out the other thread. </p>

<p>I'm feeling a bit nervous, though. My application status page is just showing me the rejection letter I got the first time. The thing is, that letter hasn't been showing up under the application status page for a while, so it almost makes it look like they've decided to reject me again and just refreshed/updated the status page... D: Do they tell you if they're reviewed your appeal and everything? For Santa Cruz especially.</p>

<p>hmm kemikaruu... when did you submit your appeal?</p>

<p>A few weeks ago... I think the week of the 4th, and that's when it was postmarked too.</p>

<p>oh man! if this rejection page is showing up after the while that it hasnt been showing up... then perhaps their decision stands... but i'm not sure. maybe the thing to do would be to call? was this appeal to la or santa cruz?</p>

<p>Santa Cruz. </p>

<p>I think I'd be a lot more comforted if I actually got something in the mail. D:</p>

<p>ohh yeah got it. yeah i'm sure they should be mailing you something too i mean online stuff isn't always the most reliable. i'm hoping for the best though! if i may ask, what was your appeal based on?</p>

<p>It really wasn't much, I think. >< Basically, I reported my senior schedule incorrectly, so I sent them the corrected one. I sent in my updated senior grades and... Well, for corrections/updates, that was pretty much it. The rest of the appeal was talking about how much I wanted to go there. I also had a letter of recommendation from my former Spanish teacher and sent in my test scores.</p>

<p>ohh ok... aw man i hope santa cruz was able to accept it in the end! hopefully they'll mail something out to you. i really hope it works out! what's ur 2nd choice if this doesn't work?</p>

<p>Well, I could probably go to a CSU, since I've been accepted to those, but I've really got my heart set out on Santa Cruz, so I'll probably go to a JC for a year or two and then transfer. At least it'll be easier on my parents' wallets.</p>

<p>that's a good attitude! good for you man :)</p>

<p>Heh, thanks. For now, I'll just hope for the best.</p>

<p>In reference to them telling you that they've recieved your appeal...the page will change once they have recieved it. The message will read something like, "we have recieved your appeal and are reconsidering your application for admission," blahblahblah.</p>

<p>The page should change as soon as your appeal is connected with your application. If it shows rejection again, I'm not sure what to say...</p>

<p>Has it changed since the OP?</p>

<p>Mine didn't! at least not for Berk or LA. waiting on santa barbara</p>