My chance at U of M

<p>I hate to be one of those juniors who goes crazy about college, but i get extremely worried about it. It just gets to me.</p>

<p>Just tell me opinions of what you think my chances are on Admittance to U of M:</p>

<p>(1st time testing)
ACT: 32
SAT:2020 - 1330 (CR + Math)</p>

<p>Curriculum: I got to a Prep school with a different curriculum than most schools:</p>

<p>AP Bio: A
Spanish III: A
Pre-Calc AB: B+
English: B
History: B</p>

<p>-A note about my history and English grades. These classes are actually combined into one called Constructing America. It is an American HIstory/Lit course that is required by Juniors at my school. It is considered a college course by College Admission Reps who are familiar with my school and the others similar to it.</p>


<p>Temple Youth Group Board: 4 years - Freshman Rep, Secretary, Worship Chair, Vice President</p>

<p>P.A.L- Peer Leadership Program in school - 2 years, highly selective (jun, sen)</p>

<p>Over 200 hours of community service</p>

<p>Trips To Africa and Israel for Community Service</p>

<p>Youth Civics Campaign with State Senator</p>

<p>President of Zionist Alliance</p>

<p>Staff Writer for Newspaper-4 years</p>

<p>Submitter to Literary Magazine- 3 years (run poetry slam at school)</p>

<p>-Received Honor Roll Awards- 1 st semester Junior Year, 2nd sem jun year</p>

<p>Varsity baseball: 4 Years
Varsity Footbal: 3 YEars
Varsity Wrestling: 1 year</p>

<p>Just tell me how I am looking.
I do have Alumni relations and relations with teachers there.</p>

<p>If you’re in-state you’re in. If not, still most likely in. Whats your Mich GPA</p>

<p>I am from New York City, and how would I calculate my mich gpa?</p>

<p>count only the core classes from your somphomore and junior years. A+, A-, or A=4.0; B+, B, or B-=3.0; etc.</p>