My Chance of getting admission at Stanford, MIT and other top schools

<p>I am sorry for taking your time by making the post so long.</p>

<p>**My main question is that will my low gpa (3.54/4.00) and undegraduate Pakistani School jeopardise my chances of graduate admisson at MIT, Stanford or other top schools? Keeping in view my research profile detailed below. **My field of interest is Information Security and Cryptography (Computer Science department). </p>

<p>I have done B.Sc. Electrical Engineering from University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan with CGPA of 3.54/4.00 (ranked 6th in batch of 114). Will my low gpa creates problems for me to get admission in top ten schools, despite my otherwise good profile?</p>

<p>My GRE Scores are Total: 1350 (Quantitative: 750, Verbal: 600, AWA: 4)
I have given TOEFL and waiting for result</p>

<p>Currently I am Lecturer in Department of Computer Science at IQRA University, Peshawar teaching subjects in which I want to purse my Masters and PhD.</p>

<p>I was Research Assistant at University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan for 1 and half years.</p>

<p>I have also done one year R&D project with government of our province here in Pakistan (though not related to field which I want to pursue).</p>

<p>I have 7 research papers in international journals and conferences, all publications in my field of interest. (3 papers as single author, 3 papers as first author and one paper as second author).</p>

<p>I also have one short book published by German multinational publisher and available on for sale. (as first author)</p>

<p>I also have one book chapter (proposal accepted and full chapter under process). (as single author).</p>

<p>I am reviewer and program committee member of 4 international journals and 9 international conferences.</p>

<p>I have done CCNA, CCNA Security and CNSS 4011 (American Government organizaton certification), which are all internationally recognized certificaitons in my field of interest. I also have 5 Juniper networks certifications also related to my field of interest. </p>

<p>I have done non-research internships at Alcatel-Lucent (Country Head office), Nokia Siemens Networks and Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited.</p>

<p>I have received MOL (Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC) merit based scholarship worth $3000 USD.</p>

<p>You can view my complete details and my CV at my personal homepage: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I would be really grateful for your help and time.</p>

<p>Well I’m assuming you are applying to their graduate schools which has totally different admission Policies. I suggest you email the Graduate admission office and ask about their admission policies.</p>


<p>Thanks for your reply. Admission office will not tell me about my suitability for their program. I just wanted to know, if some people know how the graduate admission process work at these schools?</p>

<p>I’m in the MSCS program now, these stats look impressive, waiting on the TOEFL though. CS Admissions doesn’t release any stats about their acceptances though FYI. You have nothing to lose applying.</p>

<p>your chances at mit and stan are very slim. poor gpa at a poor school is not good. combine that with poor gre. save your application $ and try second tier schools.</p>